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Everything posted by G0V3RNM3NT4L

  1. Buying a new computer, and I notice a couple processors in my budget. One is the i3, the other is the i5. Both are reasonably priced about $50 apart. I'm noticing one has better Hz, one has four cores. I'm not well versed on computer hardware, and I don't want to buy something based on it being "2nd gen" or "3rd gen" or on price. Which is better for gaming? Thanks in advance for the help! :thumbsup:
  2. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Computer Component Question - Processors

    Thanks for all the feedback, guys! I certainly appreciate getting some info from fellow players.
  3. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Falling Apart

    The bandits are falling apart, there's no hope. The real ones are all quiet, and the only ones who show up on the forums anymore are the new kids with no respect. I feel the honor should come back, we could have organizations of our own. We could cultivate the community, have no-fire lists, stuff like that. We should post the time we won the firefight at the NW Airfield by 100 blood, firing your Lee Enfield at the guy bearing down with a DMR. We shouldn't post killing "bambi's" on the spawn. That's not something to be proud of. Sure, do it, go ahead. I understand the reasoning, but we shouldn't see any more "Fishing on Death Mountain" topics. We also need a prestige system, like the medical/trader one. You upvote on how bandit-like you think somebody is. It should be an elitist clique; you don't become a Mafioso just by saying you're one, because you have to prove yourself first. Just my two tins worth. Anybody feel like setting up a hierarchy?
  4. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    DayZ Memes

    Thought this one would be well received. http://
  5. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    US4 Admin yesterday

    Hahaha. Was -1 post, now is 0.
  6. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Reddit - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    The only problem I have with audio cues is I have a best friend who plays the game with me and is deaf. I'd like to see an option to "enable help for those with disabilities". But i don't want it to be easily accessible to people who just want to cheat.
  7. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Good Times.

    You were helped by the scripting, you abused the system, I think you're just as guilty. I don't remember which one it was, but Frankiein1080p once found a script-in AS50 Night Vision and he hid it to get it out of the server. And the whole "I have nothing to lose" is bullshit. I hope you lose your account. It's a good thing you died; because you did not earn that gun. And I'm glad you didn't mind dying, but I'm sure all the people you killed very much did. Killed with a script-in weapon. I'm sorry this guy is a total asshole who got excited about ruining somebody's run. Also, most things aren't hacked. They are scripted. Hacking = difficult, Scripts = google "dayz hackz" (also a good way to ruin a CD key).
  8. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Fishing off Death Mountain

    See, we should pity this guy. He's missing the whole point of the mod. For him, it's find weapons, get somewhere, and kill people. There is no trip, only destination. The point of this mod is trip; laughing with your mate when you run over a pig, shitting yourself when you see a helicopter with both door gunners, running away from the three-mile trail of zeds you picked up, and grinning ear to ear when you find a UAZ. This guy gets none of that, only a cheap smile at playing a game like it's CoD. Protip: stop for a second, and fucking enjoy it. This goes for life too. I don't care where you are, stop right now and go outside. Find a bug. Watch it. It's amazing. There is so much we miss, and even in a game, true purpose should not be oversaught. TL;DR, This is an anti-game, the CoD prick should pack the hell out.
  9. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    GB 500 The Daniel Kill

    This kid is clueless...
  10. I believe bullets should be found in boxes of ammunition (or rarely loose) and can be moved to a clip. A box allows more portability, but a mag keeps them handy. The player would have to juggle between the two. Also, when I say boxes, I mean boxes like a pouch. We could have cans, but those should be relegated to vehicles/animals.
  11. A long time ago, I said something mildly offensive. I have apologized, the person said allright, and we've both moved on. Any expiration date on these things? I hate the look of it on my profile. It's like a demerit :P.
  12. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    War Machine-Gaming

    Shameless. All of you, shameless.
  13. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Military Tactical Group

    It's just so many good groups keep quiet. Most of the smart groups, anyways. Might be better for you to hit up those from your old platoon that might have a computer fast enough. I'd love to play with you, I did the KGruppen when I was in Germany, I know the basics of strategy, but I'm a very annoyingly cautious player sometimes. I treat the player's life as I would my own.
  14. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Banned from Eu8 for russian language

    Maybe we could drop in with a handbook with the word "friendly" in every language. XP
  15. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Need 6 trustworthy, trained bandits

    Trustworthy bandit is an oxymoron. I detect slight trolling in the title.
  16. Lemme just give you the car it took me several hours to fix because I'm on my own... yeeeeah...
  17. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Looking for a Bandit(s) to join up with now.

    I have ventrillo and a mic. I will join you.
  18. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    True banditry!

    He didn't log out to save himself, he logged out to steal from the guy. Which makes it hilarious.
  19. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    So it's anti DCing/server hopping?

    If you've recently been in combat (shock, you hear heavy breathing), when you log out and log back in, you have an INSANELY LONG unconscious timer. It's almost guaranteed they'll die from bloodloss.
  20. 25 Rules of Combat Operations for New Players Lissen up, grunt. I ain't gonna repeat myself. Rule Number 1 Field experience is something you don't get until after you need it. That's why were here to help. Reading all these might just save your life. Rule Number 2 Suppresive fires - won't. Only fire if you're actually aiming at something. Shooting a bush that *might* have somebody in it is like putting your toast in something that looks similar to a toaster (but is actually your DVD player). Rule Number 3 You are not superman. Light machinegunners, take note. That gun you're carrying IS badass, but it's not a riot shield or body armor. Rule Number 4 If it seems stupid but works, it isn't stupid. Throwing smoke grenades to drop a building on somebody sounds silly, but you'll be the one laughing your ass off while he stares at the "you are dead" screen. Rule Number 5 Try to look unimportant. The enemy may be low on ammo and not willing to waste a bullet on you. That means leave ghillies alone, for the most part, and don't carry the largest packs. Always carry your best gun though. Rule Number 6 If your attack is going well, it's an ambush. Seriously. Finding a car fully repaired on the road sounds awesome, but there's most likely a squad ready to ambush you nearby. Also watch for obvious traps like rare weapons in the open or random flares. Rule Number 7 Five second fuses burn three seconds. You might think you can throw the grenade a little short and get out of the way, but remember that the blast radius is one foot greater then how far you can jump. Grenades are amazing, and deadly if handled properly. But when the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not a friend. Rule Number 8 A retreating enemy is probably just falling back and regrouping. As a rule of thumb, only pursue if the enemy is 100m or closer. Never follow them where you can't see from your current position. Also, a running enemy isn't as much of a threat as a brave one. Take out the people staying before running after that one person. Rule Number 9 Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at. This is it in it's barest form, another person is always handy. They can patch you up, deal with more zeds, and generally give the enemy somebody else to shoot at. Rule Number 10 Never draw fire. It irritates everybody around you. Rule Number 11 When you have killed an enemy, make sure they know it too. Don't assume they're dead. Unload the rest of your clip into them. Anything worth shooting at once is worth using an entire magazine on. Trust me, finding ammo is much easier than starting over. Rule Number 12 If the enemy are within range; so are you. You might assume you have the advantage of range (snipers take note), but that guy you just shot at might have a buddy with the same gun as you do looking for you. Rule Number 13 Thirteen is unlucky. Seriously. Avoid it. Rule Number 14 Anything you do can get you killed, including nothing. Stay on the move, but stay hidden. Moving quickly is bad, but so is staying in one spot. Rule Number 15 Make it too tough for the enemy to get in, and you won't be able to get out. Always leave two entrances to everything. Avoid churches for this reason: enemies can bottleneck. Also, fortify your front and you'll get your rear shot up. Just cause life's a bitch. Rule Number 16 Weather ain't neutral. It is out to get you, and your buddies. Don't go out when it rains. At the very least, sit in a car. Being cold is not only annoying, but deadly. Rule Number 17 The cavalry doesn't always come to the rescue. Always act as if you're alone and if you get injured you're screwed, instead of relying on buddies to patch you up after running into a bandit's LMG. Rule Number 18 Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity. Sure, SoS sounds wonderful, but it's not. Actually help somebody every once in a while, but never lower your guard. Rule Number 19 Never stand when you can crouch; never crouch when you can lie down. Should be self evident. Also, don't stop moving, even when surveying. Rule Number 20 Exceptions prove the rule, and destroy the battle plan. Don't expect a guy with a Makarov to be a noob. It could be a player with heightened abilities that will zero in on you instantly and kill you before you can react. Treat everybody as if they are carrying debug uber-cannons. Rule Number 21 Trust is for fools. Never trust anybody. Help them, sure, but never turn your back on them. Split up the moment you get the chance. And NEVER, EVER, loot buildings with them. They might envy the NV goggles you just found. Rule Number 22 The complexity of a weapon is inversely proportional to the IQ of the weapon's operator. Don't assume a weapon is bad because you don't know how to use it. I can use a crossbow up to 100m, but I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn using the M24. Also, the SVD doesn't suck. Rule Number 23 Friendly fire - isn't. Trust me. No matter how good your timing is, your round will always hit your buddy. Don't fire if he's in front of you. Rule Number 24 Odd objects attract fire - never lurk behind one. People will be very jumpy around buildings. Don't ever attempt camping or ambushing around one. Your best bet is setting up in a well-known tree route where people lower their guard considerably. Rule Number 25 If only one solution can be found for a field problem, then it is usually a stupid solution. Seriously. Always have two plans of action. From the Author: If you don't read this, don't say TL;DR. Any and all my wisdom is wasted on somebody who wants to be "cute". If you read this, good job! You've made it worth writing. Now, you can follow these as a template or take them with a grain of salt. This is Day Z. This is your story. This took an hour, and is loosely based around Murphy's Laws of Combat Operations, although I did make these a little more serious and applicable to Day Z. And remember: This is Day Z This is your Story
  21. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    25 Rules of Combat Operations

    When you say slowly, do you mean your legs are broken? XP
  22. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Drinking the Mountain Bew bring benefits!!!

    Oh, it was a topic a few of us had not too long ago. People would have like half-naked anime chicks in their profile pic/ siggy and have neither their age or gender listed. We discussed being invaded by a group of old pervs.
  23. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    [SLD] SOLDIERS Recruiting

    Don't be coy. I pm'ed you and you let me join, only to kill me and take my stuff immediately.
  24. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Elysium | Department of Defense

    ^ Well said, partner. I hate how everybody thinks an amazing insult is to call somebody young. Yes, I'm young, but I learn on a Par 1% Tile US, and a Par 4% Tile Internationally.