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Everything posted by G0V3RNM3NT4L

  1. Dig me a 5ft deep hole with your hands. No, really; I want to see this done. In twenty seconds. You need a shovel. And a plastic bag is nowhere near enough to cover gear. I doubt a tarp could cover six guns perfectly.
  2. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    This needs to be an MMO!

    Wha.t No.
  3. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Just A Few Ideas

    You, sir, get no beans.
  4. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Base Defenses ( Document included )

    There's a reason tents are camoflauged... to remain hidden. The safest base is a base that is hidden. As said multiple times, being stealthy in this game will get you a lot more than carrying the biggest gun. If I can sneak up on somebody with a fire ax, their M249 isn't going to do much.