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Everything posted by G0V3RNM3NT4L

  1. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Munging Krew

    Can I sell your soul to the devil?
  2. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    [SLD] SOLDIERS Recruiting

    This is a trap. I joined and they held me up and killed me for the M24 and car I had. You guys can go screw yourselves. Also, well played.
  3. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Drinking the Mountain Bew bring benefits!!!

    ^Another Anime-chick bearing non-gender telling forum runner.
  4. Haha, this isn't Russian. I don't know what it is, but it's clearly not Cyrillic.
  5. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Bandit Forum

    And that's never gonna be implemented. Watch the rocket interview with SideStrafe, if you can manage the entire video, it's amazing what rocket has planned.
  6. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Bandit Forum

    Bad grammar; didn't read.
  7. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Looking to roll with some bandits.

    I hate group postings here. I hope people start acting like real bandits, teaming up, and taking all your shit when you turn your back. That's the way bandits roll, baby.
  8. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    25 Rules of Combat Operations

    I just wish more people took the forethough to format stuff like this. I get tired of staring at massive walls of text. But that's just me tooting my own horn a bit.
  9. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    The friendly guy and the helicopter

    ^They did. They just no longer spawn. If you still have one, it's rare.
  10. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Hillbilly Heat Map: People die alot near cities
  11. 100m headshot with - get this - a crossbow. He didn't even die. He ended up killing me actually XP
  12. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    To far

    TS;BG Grammar Nazi for a post being too short and having bad grammar.
  13. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    kills not counting

    This isn't the right place. Somebody make the bug report section header 720pt.
  14. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    By far the best thing to happen

    [: I see what you did there.
  15. This shit is getting old. It's a video game. If you feel guilty for killing somebody in a video game, you are either A, a power puff girl; B, too attached to the game; or C, in need of psychological help. There are therapists that can help. Of course, you could also be a faggot looking for replies and "beans".
  16. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Person East of Gorka, Yeah...

    Haha, good job on killing me. I dropped the MP5 I was carrying in my backpack when I saw you though XP hope you didn't find it!
  17. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    I feel completely betrayed...

    The funny thing is, I feel we shoot all the innocent guys on sight, and we always end up trusting a bandit XP.
  18. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Just a friendly suggestion from a survivor.

    "Hey, you, drop your gun!" *Alt+F4* "Shit, not again!"
  19. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    The friendly guy and the helicopter

    Off topic, but I think it's weird everybody with an anime female or a hot female as their profile picture usually has their gender as "Not Telling"... I don't know if it's self conscious females or pervy men.
  20. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    This is to all the Bandits out there!

    Bad assery right there. Exactly what I'm doing next time I'm robbed.
  21. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Vehicle spawn and repair question

    Yes, they can. You'll need to find appropriate parts, including but not limited to: Fuel (Jerry Cans) Engine Parts / Main Rotary Parts Fuel Tank Parts Wheel(s) Scrap Metal (A Metric Shitload) Windscreen Glass Wiki Link as Follows: http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Vehicle_Repair
  22. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    25 Rules of Combat Operations

    Thanks for your support, guys!
  23. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    The game isn't horrifying.

    While they're at it they should add a laser cannon and like tesla spike machineguns. I also want pet raptors you can saddle and ride around like cars. also a tank
  24. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    Bandit Forum

    True that. And I don't think a bandit clan should exist. It's an oxymoron.
  25. G0V3RNM3NT4L

    DayZ Sniping story in Elektro.

    You need to be running with an ally in the crew, bro.