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Everything posted by aeinola

  1. aeinola

    Zombie behavior

    Mercules, you have explained well the zombie behavior in DayZ. Can you explain why these raging infected people punch and attack you like they had rabies but when you fall down they calm down and starts eating you? If they dont need/want to eat you why they do it when you are knocked down? Im a little confused here...
  2. aeinola

    Zombie behavior

    This is so true. LOL. :D Thanks for your posts Mercules. I knew all that but needed someone to say it so i can accept these "ridiculous" zombies. ;)
  3. aeinola

    Zombie behavior

    Just to be clear, im not saying the zombies should be Romero-slow. The running zombies are fine, works for the game better. Im just saying they should do something else than just stand beside you and punch you like Sugar Ray Leonard... dont you think? EDIT: Add the grabbing and biting to the arsenal, running raging zombies who grabs you, bite you, punch you would be nice. I think the jump attack was not a good idea, and again im not saying they should not jump attack, it should be randomly rare.
  4. aeinola

    Zombie behavior

    I think its exactly like that. You cant do it (or its too hard to implement) and the explanation is "not zombies, just infected people". I do believe Dean Hall is a fan of the infected in 28 days later. I also think if it was easy enough to implement what i have suggested it would have been done already in some form.
  5. aeinola

    Zombie behavior

    Really? Educate me? Please dude... I know ArmA engine limitations, im talking about standalone. And if they are totally re-building the engine they could work on this issue. Right? It has been time since i watched the 28 days later so i have to see it again. I thought they where "hungry zombies", only faster/raging ones. So if this is true what you say about the zombies, Dean wants them to be raging beasts, not flesh eating zombies then so be it. Im REALLY disappointed, i just have to live with it. Damn you Danny Boyle!!!
  6. aeinola

    E3 and our attendance

  7. aeinola

    E3 and our attendance

    Am i the only one that thinks the zombies are shit in this game? And im not talking about bugs or clitches or anything like that. Im talking about the zombie behavior. It seems stupid that when they catch you they just hit you (or jump attacks you). wtf? Where is the grabbing and biting zombies that we see in movies? I dont remember seeing in any movie or tv-shot that zombies stand next to you and punches like a little girl. Devs should look in to "No More Room In Hell". Thats how zombies should ATTACK you. In DayZ the crawling zeds could grab your ankle and you would fall down. Or if you run past zombies they would try grab on to you and at least it would slow you down. I would like to hear how Dean and Matt sees the zombies and what kind of zombies they want to make for this game. Is there a reason why zombies just run and hit you? Is it performance issue? Engine issue? Coding maybe? And what do the community think about this?