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About JFox225

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. What does everyone use for 3rd party communication? I'm a loner right now but will probably join a group at some point. So far I have seen: Teamspeak, Skype, Mumble. What is used the most?
  2. JFox225


    I lol'd.
  3. JFox225

    DayZ Stories

    On a fresh life, I spawned near Balota. After raiding the warehouse for a few items, I head for the small camp with the four deer stands. I enter and begin searching the tents (before I knew these were all empty). About halfway through the tents, a maniac flies around the corner with an axe and hits me twice. I'm bleeding and running in the most evasive and unpredictable way possible. Zombies outside of the camp scream for flesh. I finally lose him and take this chance to bandage myself but by this point I'm at 2000 blood and having trouble seeing more than a few meters in front of me. In my weakened state, I make a sprint for one of the deer stands and climb up. A Makarov with one mag! I quickly take out my new pistol, glad to finally have a weapon against the axe-weilding murderer. I stay in the deer stand for a few minutes with no activity. Suddenly, I see movement. The axe murderer is sprinting in zig zags through the tents. I squeeze off a couple rounds with my pistol but my vision and balance are so deteriorated that I certainly missed by quite a bit. Six rounds left in the Makarov. I have to get up close and personal if I want to land any shots. I exit the deer stand without incident and start walking around the camp, checking tents and other hiding places. Everything is still blurry. Maybe my attacker has cut his losses and moved on? Less than a minute later, I hear the sound of footprints sprinting across the landscape. My head swivels around to see the dark figure approaching rapidly. At point blank range, I manage to land two pistol rounds in his chest before the axe lands squarely in my head. The fight did not end the way I would have liked but I put up a struggle after hope was almost lost and left an injured murderer to pick up the pieces.
  4. I've seen this hinted at in other discussions but I couldn't find a similar topic here when I did a search. Anyway... A lot of people complain that they get to high value loot areas only to find flares, chemlights, trash etc. It appears that a loot pile will not respawn until all items are looted. Would it make sense for a pile to respawn 10 minutes or so after an item is taken? This will probably make loot farming even worse but the situation is already terrible for people trying to play the game the right way. Spending 2 hours making your way to the NW airfield barracks and finding nothing but junk is pretty disheartening.
  5. I'm from Chicago and looking for a running mate. I've got some pretty nice gear except for medical supplies and I'm up way north a few minutes east of Devil's Castle. I added you on Steam (name: Detox). Skype name is jfox225.
  6. Hahah, yeah that's always a risk. I actually haven't been to Berezino yet and I'm hoping it's not as bloody as Cherno and Elektro. Most players seem to spawn on the southern coast.
  7. JFox225

    {Foxfall}, an upper echelon organization.

    I'll try to add you guys tonight. I'm currently playing solo and have been navigating myself around quite well, jumping from deer stand to deer stand mostly. I have all the necessary gear to kill/cook animals for food and a water bottle to drink. Looking for a small group to make a run on the Berezino hospital and NE airfield for some good stuff. Steam ID: jfox225
  8. Hello, I'm on day 3 in my current life and have been stocking up on most supplies besides weapons (staying away from airfields). The only supplies I don't have are medical. Specifically, I want to grab one or two morphine auto-injectors since a broken leg would otherwise be a death sentence. The closest hospital to me is Berezino and I'm currently a few minutes' run east of the castle in the far north. My plan is to find a relatively empty US server, get in, find supplies, and get out as soon as possible but an extra set of eyes would be helpful. After that, we can go our separate ways or try for some more loot. Any takers can add me on Steam (jfox225).