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Everything posted by iconoplast

  1. iconoplast

    Weapon Damage Re-upped

    Makarov: 889 damage, down from 2000 G17, M9, M9 SD, PDW, MP5A5, MP5SD6, Bizon PP-19 SD: 889 damage, down from 1389 Revolver, M1911: 1389 damage, down from 4500 M1014, Remington 870, Double-barreled: slugs do 4500 damage, down from 6722 Lee Enfield: 6722 damage, down from 12500 (audible range 162m, down from 234m) AK-74, AKS-74U, AKS-74 Kobra: 2722 damage, down from 3555 This has probably been suggested, but with the Arma2 change, I think Damage needs to be increased to where it was before.... Weapons are TOO weak. Z's need what seems like a clip of a Mak to die, revolver and 1911 are too weak, before the level was WAY more balanced. I thought the previous damage was perfect.
  2. iconoplast

    Deers @ Deer Stands

    An interesting twist would be the addition of Deer (around deer stands). They would be easily startled by any gun shot or excessive movement by a survivor.... anything that would aggro a Z within range (i.e. is audible or visual), would be reasonably tough (i.e. more than 1 pistol shot to kill right now), hence the need to bigger guns to take down and the meat would be venison (when cooked would give you 1200 -2000 blood), depending on how it should be scaled. Naturally, the deer would be easily scared if they saw a survivor and run away (FAST) or hear a shot. Making them harder to kill and rarer would be an interesting twist.
  3. iconoplast

    Weapon Damage Re-upped

    Why would creating an unreality in a military simulator be "really fucking stupid"? If you get shot by a .45, you will likely die, 2x you should be dead and 4 times, would mean you should have been dead 2 shots ago.... point being, if you get shot froma .45 in real life should put down most people in 1 shot, same with an assault rifle round like an AK would put you down, but making it many more shots is a bit silly. In an absolute sense this is not realtiy and relatively these guns should do as much as much more powerful in game weapons, not, now alot less. So the overall balance is off, either bring everythign down a bit or restore them.
  4. iconoplast

    Weapon Damage Re-upped

    LOL, more talking realism....doesn't make sense when the damage is too low, it was more normal before, a couple shots from a .45 you are dead... now it takes more than a clip of the 1911 to the body, not realistic, think before you post responses. PS, the game difficulty isn't an issue, my typical character life is 1 week
  5. iconoplast

    Ideas for DAYZ

    1 - NO! Without PVP, the game would be super dull, stop trying to grief in the form of helpful suggestions, half the point of DayZ is to see the tension and the whacked out scenarios that take place when other players are involved. 2) Fortresses - I think may be coming in the form of fortification that coul dhappen in towns and such, that will be dope. 3) Not a fan of armored vehicles.
  6. iconoplast

    To many guns?

    Think About DayZ this way; every single zombie was at some point a survivor, that's why you find Mak mags and Cans of Food on dead Z's. Typically if there are 50 survivor in the area, there are thousands and thousands (don't know the pop) that had guns before, there were military bases. IMO, most military guns are only a problem, cus the stats need to be saved, but there would be alot of guns in general if you could get your hands on them.
  7. iconoplast


    Like this idea, if you do something like Adrenaline, it can help you run faster, keep your water and food from doing down or causing damage and give you a health boost. Side effects might be shakiness afterwards.
  8. Now, I never got why the pistol take up SO much room. You can put a toolbox and an axe in your pack (the axe takes up roughly the same room as a pistol, but you need so much more for a pistol. The rationale is for no pistol hording. PS I'm not bitching cus I glitched out my 1911 yesterday after picking it up by trying to put it in my pack.
  9. iconoplast

    Pistol Take Up Less Room In a Pack

    I agree Centurion, well said.
  10. iconoplast

    Fix Boat Speeds

    Somehing is off with the boat speed, the PBX can go 58km/h , whcih is 36mph, this is pretty spot on for a boat with good horsepower, i.e. speed boat. However the Fishing boat and the Small boat both go 15 and 11 km/h respectively , these are about 6-9 mph.... A sailboat does 6-9 knots, which is actually faster than both these boats as we are dealing with knots! I've never seen a sailboat outpace a motor boat, there would probably have to be a gail.
  11. I can understand your frustration, but I would learn from it. The barracks @ the airfield is terrible for people either server hopping or logging in after logging off, I would never wait there and realize the whole area is a hot spot. I was hit down to 4k for no reason yesterday (not shot), I've been sponteneously killed, teleported 30km off the map with a ghillie, fully loaded, only to run back (get kicked an lose water) and died just before I reached my friend to the north west, I was teleported to the coast with full gear, one update, and spawned in front of a guy who instantly shot me when I came in... the point is this is an ALPHA, expect this stuff.
  12. iconoplast

    Paired spawning

    Personally, I don't like this, half the fun and exhileration is being able to figure out how to survive on your own, find other players on your own, nivigate on your own. This creates a whole slew of skills that are better than the false illusion of group safety.
  13. EDIT ; TITLE SHOULD BE - DEDICATED SIDE ARM SLOT or PISTOL/AXE/CRWOBAR SLOT in your TOOLBELT It doesn't make as much sense to me that you can carry a hatchets and all these tools and not a simple side arm on your toolbelt in holster. In fact where does the pistol go when you switch to your primary? Maybe in your primary slot, but I don't think you are slinging a pistol on your back. Also, if you have a full pack you can't just switch to your axe without dropping your pistol. One of Two Suggestions Present Themselves: 1) So I would suggest either having a dedicated holster for the pistol (i.e. still allow you to only carry one pistol and one slot in your main toolbelt) - i.e. add one. You can not carry more than one pistol there, so you can't have one in your hand and one in the slot. 2) Have a slot for Pistol/Hatchet or Crowbar. The way I envision this working is it puts your pistol there to start, if you have your pistol in your hand, when you pick up a hatchet, it goes there. You can toggle between the pistol and the hatchet for instance, when you need to without having to put your pistol in your backpack.
  14. Either and or would work, the goal is to be able to use all 3 weapons (side/main and melee).
  15. TO clarify, what I mean is in your toolbelt, If I want to switch to my hatchet, I need to move my pistol to my pack, otherwise i can always move my axe to my belt, but what happens with the pistol? I am suggesting a slot where either the pistol OR the hatchet are stored when not in your secondary weapon slot. I guess I want a way to keep your side arm, main and axe and use them all without using a gross amount of inventory space.
  16. Personally I think there are enough Noob friendly servers that will certainly help with some of these issues, overall this game is designed to be a sim and realistic as such, so things like floating names and such would defeat the purpose. Like other players I was plopped in Chernus and had to make my way, making it too easy would defeat the sense of reward you get from actually navigating here or there or learning new things.
  17. @ Frantix - I think it should start out small and increase as needed, I think there's a sweet spot, where it can do what it's intended to do (i.e. prevent death dodging) and not cause players an ulcer because they think their characters could be dead upon logging in. Too long you run the risk of z's spawning in an aggroing or a lucky player you dind't know about coming around and killing you, regardless, I am sure there are many situations where players would come back to find an injured, unconcious or dead character and this will cause rage, likewise too short there will still be exploits. The issue is this, can this sufficiently be solved using this method without pissing off too many players by causing problematic injuries or deaths along the way. Too many times a play is being fired upon and DC after being hit once or twice, I've seen this a majority of times, it's a last minute thing, so 5 seconds would eliminate this. Other times other players could have enough time to run and DC. Regadless it's more about the timing thing. I like D4saken1's idea.
  18. Overall I would say, the simplest solution is having the player remain in the server fro 5-10 seconds after logging off. 1 minute is entirely too long in the world where your being there may aggro a Z that may spawn. The issue with log outs is an issue if you are shooting them, I've seen this many times, players being LIT UP, then logging off before dying, I've seen it in vids. Literally if someone has to log out in a say Cherno because something happens, alot can happen in 1 minute and alot of players would die. 5-10 seconds is ideal because the chronic cases of loggers will be quelled if this happens. I think the 5-10 second log out was going to be implimented on a previous update.