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About KyesaRRi

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. KyesaRRi

    DayZ Funnies

    Thats the point, the video is just him messing with inexperienced players. I found the video funny but I guess its due to me knowing him and his humour. The video wasn't a showcase of some mad bandit skills, it was supposed to be funny. Sorry if the video didnt appeal to you. Yeah he can be.
  2. KyesaRRi

    DayZ Funnies

    There was possibly 4 people who didn't have a weapon upgrade throughout the video. Every other person had at least a weapon that could have benefited him, not to mention food, water, equipment and ammo. When I play games I try to have fun, not sure about you. Being an arsehole with no strings attached in a fictional world can be fun.
  3. KyesaRRi

    DayZ Funnies

    If its enabled on the server id assume its fair to use; its all cool to be "hardcore" but if you like putting yourself at a disadvantage more power to you. Thanks for the move Boneboys.
  4. KyesaRRi

    DayZ Funnies

    My brother loves messing with people, he has been posting videos on youtube without much success. His latest video is defiantly worth a watch. http://youtu.be/sq0izgEXSTs