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Everything posted by spex

  1. We're hoping in the next 1 to 3 days. We're currently in the process of migrating several of our Master servers to an East Coast location. This puts them in a more central position between our US and European networks which will provide better connectivity for things like our website and control panel. Once we're finished with that process we will be focusing on When we merge the new DayZ Code we will be sending all DayZ Customers an email. You can also keep an eye on our news section which will be updated when we release the update to the control panel. http://www.vilayer.com/news/vilayer-news/service-news.html
  2. spex

    Admin control panels?

    I think the closest you will be able to get for an external tool is Silent Warriors Anti-Hack. I believe it does everything you're looking for. It's not free but it's a solid tool. http://thesilentwarrior.com/tsw/
  3. Thanks for the kind words, LGHollenfeuer. We do our best. We're always trying to make the experience better so if you every have issues or suggestions, don't hesitate to let us know. We will likely be adding DayZ+ to the standard DayZ Package in the near future. We have a lot of new stuff we're working on for the DayZ Package at the moment. Wasteland is good fun. Now with the option of using the hive version it adds a whole different level. We're working very close with 404 Games so if you have any problems let us know. The persistent hive version is still v1 and there are some bugs to be worked out. You can keep an eye on their bug list to see what has been reported if you run into any. http://404games.co.uk/dev/flyspray/
  4. Hello, Usually setup times are between 10 and 45 minutes. It depends on the volume of servers being provisioned at the time. If, for some reason, you haven't received a provisioning complete email, shoot me a PM with the name you ordered with and I'll get it sorted out straight away.
  5. Vi 400 Takistan, Chernarus & Lingor ViLayer Private Hive Public Teamspeak IP: Port: 3415 Please post any issues, complaints, suggestions, or hacker reports in this thread. Alternatively, you can add BarryCarey66 on Steam or join our Teamspeak. --==Announcements==-- September 20th - We have brought our 3rd server online. This server is currently dedicated to Takistan. It's another 40 Slot server on ViLayer's hive. However, this server has a twist. We've had a friend provide us with several tanks on the map. We are currently the only Takistan server that offers tanks. In addition to this, we will be doing an "Heavy Armor" event this weekend. 10 or more broken tanks will be added to the map for 1 day only. Keep an eye on our news section for more details. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- September 14th - We have changed our Chernarus server over to Takistan. This server will now be switching back and forth between the two maps. If you have not given Takistan a try, please do so. It's a great addition to DayZ. Our Takistan server features 80 vehicles and has an admin constant watching the logs. This leads to extremely fast hacker response time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- September 11th - We have switched our second server over to Lingor. It is currently running in Veteran mode with 30 vehicle spawns. Due to this being the first run of Lingor, all vehicles are currently up for grabs. This server offers the same features as our Chernarus server, which include 24 hours of daytime, aggressive anti-hacking, admins always on duty, regular restarts, and a public Teamspeak. We welcome everyone to come try our Vi 400 Lingor server and get themselves a vehicle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- September 10th - Due to the overwhelming popularity of our Vi 400 Utes server, we will be postponing the switch to Lingor until further notice. This server has quickly become one of the most popular Utes servers out there. We welcome everyone to come give Utes a try. Feedback from the current player base has been very positive. We restart the server every 45 minutes to ensure load times remain quick regardless of the server population. Come give it a go! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- September 9th - Our Vi 400 Utes server will be switching to Lingor on Monday, September 10th. This will mark the first switch to Lingor for this server. This means all vehicles will be fresh spawns. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- September 8th - We brought our second 40 slot server online. This server will rotate between Utes, Lingor and Takistan. It is currently running Utes, a PVP map with 4 heli crash sites, several military spawns and vehicles. It offers a fast paced PVP experience for those looking for some excitement. --==Current Servers==-- Vi 400 Chernarus Full Name: DayZChernarus - ( - (UTC-4) - (Veteran|3D:ON|CH:ON) - USA | 24/7 Daytime | Active Admins | Public TS3 | Team rS | --==Vi 400==-- DayZ Version: Arma 2 Version: 96584 Slots: 40 Vehicles: 30 IP: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vi 400 Lingor Full Name: DayZLingor - (0.34/96895) - (UTC-4) - (Veteran|3D:ON|CH:ON) - 24/7 DAYTIME | ACTIVE ADMINS | US SERVER | Team rS --== Vi 400 ==-- DayZ Version: Arma 2 Version: 96584 Slots: 40 Vehicles: 30 IP: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vi 400 Takistan Full Name: DayZTakistan - 1.2 - (UTC-4) - (Veteran|3D:ON|CH:ON) - | 24/7 Daytime | Active Admins | USA | Public Teamspeeak | Team rS | 80 Vehicles! | --== Vi 400 ==-- DayZ Version: Arma 2 Version: 96584 Slots: 40 Vehicles: 80 IP: Features: ViLayer's Private Hive 30 Vehicle Spawns Always Day Tents & Vehicle Save Aggressive Anti-Hacking Measures Fast Loading No Duping 24/7 Admins Public Teamspeak --==About ViLayer's Hive==-- Over the last couple weeks, ViLayer has assembled the largest private hive available on DayZ. The team is hard at work fixing may of the common DayZ problems and implementing new features. Some of these fixes and features include duping, tent/vehicle saving, load times and adding new maps. One major benefit of playing on ViLayer's hive is the removal of the red tape that binds admins on the public hive. We are allowed more freedom in combating hackers. This means we're able to ban hackers instantly instead of worrying about repercussions due to the public hive's protocol. The ViLayer Development team has also implemented the Battleye filters from the Community Ban List. These filters are automatically updated with every server restart to ensure the best possible filtering of hackers. The ViLayer hive is THE LARGEST private hive available for DayZ. Servers are being added at an incredible rate. Simply search for any of these 3 terms in DayZ Commander to view the servers: DayZChernarus, DayZLingor, DayZUtes. All servers on the hive are connected together so you're able to jump between all servers on the same map and keep your character. If you would like to host your own server on their hive, visit www.vilayer.com. A 40 slot server is $37.50 with coupon code 25%OFFGS --==Hacker Wall-O-Shame==-- KING-3ZIZ - Spawned a heli ​LooNiE - Artillery Strike NoahMercy11 - Artillery Strike ZIMOS - Spawning tons of Grenades +FoxHound+ - Artillery Strike WazKeef - Artillery Strike Brian - Spawning crap
  6. spex

    Whats the largest Scripts.log you ever seen?

    Told you to keep those cleaned up Panda ;)
  7. Hey all, I've had an issue pop up over the last few days. Every time someone dies they're getting kicked for MPEventHandler Restriction #8. My server uses the MPEventhandler filter. I've looked through the filter and can't seem to find a reason why this is happening. Anyone have any ideas?
  8. Box, Shoot me a PM with your IP and I'll take a look at it for you. Matt - Vilayer.com
  9. Is anyone else having issues with Rcon not reporting pings and delaying messages sent via Rcon? It's happening on all 3 of my servers with every Rcon tool I have tried. All pings report as -1. If I kick/ban or send a message through Rcon it doesn't show up in game. Then all of a sudden 10-15 minutes later all Rcon global messages and kick/ban messages will show up in game all at once. Just wanted to see if this is only happening to me or everyone. Thanks
  10. Lol, word for word the same post you left on Aimjunkies
  11. I'll make this post short. ViLayer is currently offering their DayZ Package servers for $26.45 with the coupon code 50%OFFDAYZ. You WILL NOT find better performing servers for this price. ViLayer does not sub-lease their servers, they do not oversell their boxes and they use nothing but top of the line hardware. If you've been thinking about renting your own DayZ server, stop thinking about it and do it. - www.vilayer.com - 50%OFFDAYZ For the $26.45 a month you get Access to the largest DayZ hive - Much bigger than public hive Choice of 8 maps you can change on the fly ViLayer's DayZServer Manager Tool No admin Red Tape like public hive Gotcha Anti-Hacks (coming soon) Live Teamspeak support Unbranded Server Custom Server Name Much more No other host can come close to offering this many features. ViLayer is the premier DayZ server host and they have gone above and beyond to improve the DayZ experience for the community. Lee, the owner and main coder is constantly working to implement new features. Most of these features get added to your account for free. THIS IS A LIMITED TIME SALE Buy your server now for $26.45 -************- 50%OFFDAYZ Purchase now and have your server fully running with a growing population in a matter of hours. They have servers waiting and ready to assign to your account. I personally stand behind Vilayer and I'm willing to offer you help in setting your server up. If you have any issues I'll do everything I can to make sure they get fixed. Buy your server now for $26.45 -*************** - 50%OFFDAYZ Disclaimer: The link above is my personal affiliate link. If you choose to purchase through the link I stand to make about 50 cents. I by no means get "rich" off this. I've been a Vilayer customer for 3 months and own 4 DayZ Server, 1 Teamspeak and host my websites with them. I promote them because I truly believe they offer the best value to their customers. They bring their customers the best of the best performing servers to ensure your server population has the best experience. Note to Trolls: This tread is about ViLayer's current sale and any questions people have about it. If you have personal opinions of ViLayer and want to express them in a well through out argument I'm happy to respond. Please refrain from the useless "Screw Vilayer" "ViLayer Sucks" posts. It's impossible to for a company to please everyone. I've worked in the customer service industry for a long time and I understand not everyone has the same experience or opinions. So save the useless troll posts and make your own thread.
  12. spex

    Vilayer 50% off all Dayz Servers

    If by "ViLayer will always stay as ViLayer" you mean a top notch hosting company that has done more for community than any other host, you'd be correct. I understand that no company can please 100% of people but there's a reason they have a customer base of their current size. They offer better servers, most features and better support than any other DayZ host...period. There is no arguing with the amount of different things Lee has made available to the community. He is constantly working on new features for both the game and for server side managing. An example would be the new DayZ Server Manager tool. You get full control over objects on your server. They let you set the amount of vehicles, run cleanup on vehicles with different damage levels, cleanup vehicles hackers teleport out of bounds, pick the amount of damage vehicles spawn with, choose the amount of days things like barbwire and tank traps stay on the map and much more. What other managed host offers something like this? On top of that you'll be hard pressed to find another host that offers the server performance that they offer. Their boxes don't get over sold. As a matter of fact, each box runs dual e5-2690 CPUs and they only put 9 servers per box. If they really wanted to squeeze every dollar out they could run more than 9 servers per box. But to ensure customers and players have the best experience they don't. This is without mentioning the new performance DLL and other tweaks that have been made to improve game performance. Bottom line is ViLayer is a top notch. I've been with them for 3 months, own 4 servers, 1 Teamspeak and web hosting. I've had almost no issues over that amount of time and have nothing but good things to say. The few issues I've had have been fixed very quickly. I've dealt with a lot of hosts over the years and Vilayer is hands down the best I've found. People can choose to pay less for more with ViLayer or pay more for less with all the other hosts.
  13. spex

    New Lingor Version!

    Off with Lee's head
  14. spex

    Global RCon issue?

    Actually, I take that back. Player count still seems to not update. Can anyone else confirm?
  15. spex

    Global RCon issue?

    Everything seems to be working correctly now.
  16. Hey all, I made a quick video giving a tour of Panthera to give you a feel for it. As many of you know, ViLayer is releasing this map very soon. I've never done commentary over a video so be kind.
  17. spex

    Global RCon issue?

    Glad to hear it's not just me. I'm thinking BE broke something with their updates yesterday. Also, player count in Rcon doesn't seem to report correct all the time.
  18. I can say after playing awhile last night and this morning that it's a great map. There is tons of loot to be had and PVP becomes very interesting around the bigger cities due to the amount of buildings you can enter. This is the first time I've actually had fun since getting burnt out on Chernarus. I didn't care for Takistan or Fallujah but Panthera is a different story. I honestly think everyone that plays Chernarus exclusively should come gives this map a try.
  19. I agree. Fallujah was rushed. Today's patch is fixing almost all of the issues with it but it's too late IMO. People will have moved on.
  20. Hey guys, ViLayer is releasing Panthera Island tomorrow night. If you want to play tonight there are a couple servers you can join. I've made a video guide explaining how to install the map and play. Please Note: This IS NOT ViLayer's version. It's is different version. So don't expect loot and vehicle spawns to be the same.
  21. spex

    Hacked Buildings.

    It is possible for the really intelligent hackers to write buildings and vehicles to the database now. It's VERY rare and I happen to know the coder the figured out how to do it. Besides him and 1 other person I've never seen anyone else that can do it and as far as I know the code to do it has not been released. Only way to get rid of them is to reset your instance ID.
  22. spex

    How do i check the logs on Vilayer?

    Are you asking how to read the logs or where to find them so you can check them?
  23. spex

    Cant Join any Vilayer Server

    It has now been resolved. They had added a config to set default spawn items each person gets. But the tool was broken so once you died it corrupted your player file. Restart your server and you should be fine.