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About spex

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  1. You should be all set now. Looks like the mod files were not synced with all our file servers. Try it now. If it doesn't work shoot me your IP here or in a PM.
  2. Just an update on our new TSW addon. We've formed a new partnership with The Silent Warrior. We're currently co-developing new TSW features available to Vilayer customers. These new features include. Spawn vehicles on server LIVE. They instantly appears in game and are added to world_vehicle and instance_vehicle table. Live repair vehicles. Live edit players inventory. Live kill players on server Live edit of weather effects Live Teleport players and vehicles All of this is done through the normal TSW interface. We're in the process of adding many other new features.
  3. We have now included BEC on our Official Hive DayZ servers for both existing customers and new installs. It can be found in the Addon Manager and all configuration files are in the Configuration Files section.
  4. We're not going to add one to the control panel. We feel our development time is better spent elsewhere because there are far better 3rd party map tools than what most hosts have to offer. With that said we're happy to announce we have just released the very first SERVER SIDE version of The Silent Warrior. Read the description in the Addon Manager to see how to receive the new beta.
  5. Here's a video that gives and overview of our package and the features you have access to.
  6. Just a quick update. Epoch is now in the control panel with support for 10 maps. We have added 1 click installers for the following addon scripts Custom Loot Tables Animated Heli Crashes Anti-Hack / Admin script Auto Vehicle Refuel Base Building Chernarus Power Plants Dynamic Weather Control Halo Jump Remove Clothes from Bodies Sarge AI Siphon Fuel Self Blood Bag Vehicle Tow/Lift (R3F) We've also corrected the issues I44 and it is now fully working.. We will also be adding a backup/restore server code button in the next few days. This will allow both the mission and server pbo to be backed up at any time. This will allow you to roll back if modifications you make break the server.
  7. Glad we got you sorted. We don't like it when issues happen but we're happy to fix them when they do. We've added some new features to the control panel and there are a bunch more coming. You now have the ability to 1-click install addon scripts which include: Animated Heli Crashes Auto Vehicle Refuel Base Building Chernarus Power Plants Dynamic Weather Control Remove Parts from vehicles Siphon Fuel R3F Tow/Lift They are currently for Chernarus but will be ported to almost all other maps in the next few days. We also have a bunch more in the works. This addon system is completely modular so you can install 1 script or all of them, it doesn't matter. Your server and mission pbo files are dynamically edited by the panel to included the required code. Along with that any required database modifications are automatically inserted into your existing database. We're also adding a server code backup and restore feature. This will allow you to quickly backup your server code before you make edits. If something breaks after you make edits you can roll back the code. Epoch will also be released in the next day or 2. It's already finished and in the control panel but is going through some final tests. We're also looking at adding a "template" mod that can be used to allow customers to install their own mods or mods that are not in our system. It will provide you with access to the -mod= commandline parameter to specify the mods you want the server to start with.
  8. If you can please PM your name and ticket number I'll happily get it sorted out.
  9. I believe we have you sorted out. If it's the ticket about the server not connecting to the database it should now be resolved. I believe I responded to your ticket as well. If you're the one I'm thinking of you have a Seattle server. There's an issue with one of the Seattle nodes at the moment. We're having a hardware check done on the machine. I don't have an exact ETA but it shouldn't be too long. It comes down to what the exact issue is.
  10. We'll be adding Epoch support later tonight or early tomorrow. Epoch support covers these maps: Chernarus Takistian Lingor Dingor Isla Duala Taviana Utes Zargabad Proving Grounds - Private Military Company Shapur - British Armed Forces
  11. Glad the performance is good. I just popped 5 more slots on there for you. Enjoy :)
  12. You have a ticket in for this, correct? If that is you I'll work the BEC script over the next day or 2 for independent control. I'll also be keeping an eye on your restarts to see if I can catch one where it doesn't restart to see if I can find the issue.
  13. Oring has been added to the control panel and can be installed in the Mod Manager for both private and Vilayer hive configurations.
  14. We're doing a 50% off Arma, including DayZ, sale this weekend. It runs from today through Sunday. It's good for: DayZ Package Official DayZ Arma 2 Combined Operations Wasteland The normal price is normally €0.75/slot. With the sale it is €0.38/slot. Use the coupon ARMA50%WEEKEND during checkout www.vilayer.com
  15. I'm glad it's working well for you. We try to be very careful about how we balance our servers. We usually keep them because 75% peak resource usage. This leaves enough overhead in case of resource spikes. If a node gets too high on resource usage we disable it for new services and keep an eye on it. The most common thing we hear from new clients is about desync issues from their previous host. We do our best to keep it from happening. There are certain common restart times that jam the task system. Generally offsetting them by 20 minutes does the trick.