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About HunterofHunters

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. HunterofHunters

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    dude is just mad he can't figure out how to install it.
  2. HunterofHunters

    Ambushing CQF (and stealing their Ural).

    what servers ;) ? i don't mind hunting some new prey, need more of a challenge....
  3. HunterofHunters

    Ambushing CQF (and stealing their Ural).

    Dude has a vendetta... When's the next video coming out? Hopefully it'll feature you sneaking up on blue and watching him cry at a campfire by himself.
  4. HunterofHunters

    Ambushing CQF (and stealing their Ural).

    i find it hilarious they still hoard items like this...
  5. HunterofHunters

    Ambushing CQF (and stealing their Ural).

    totally mad... you should just stop posting brah.
  6. HunterofHunters

    Ambushing CQF (and stealing their Ural).

    most people tend to talk a lot about things they have personal experience with...
  7. HunterofHunters

    Ambushing CQF (and stealing their Ural).

    Keep up the good work! BlueShock, you might want to take a small break from typing, it seems you may have got a bit worked up and need some time away... ;)
  8. HunterofHunters

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    There's you're problem right there. Like I said, wasn't sure it was redfaction; there were a few people who logged off the moment I shot at someone near Berezino, your name was there, probably just coincidence, for that I apologize. There's nothing off topic here, it's all about CQF. Take the good with the bad, consider us doing you the favor of routing out you're poor/cowardly players. It's not stopping you from getting recruits, as I'm sure there just as many people wanting to join to take down the likes of me or similar bandits. - H
  9. HunterofHunters

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Nothing new here. I'm going to start recording more and taking names if they keep it up. I've noticed some guy named essexcartel(sp?) and rct civrax so far. And I think someone named redfaction, but can't be 100% on that one.
  10. HunterofHunters

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    you don't even know my player name... lol... but of course, the "great" CQF would never get outplayed, only hackers and ghosters! as someone who's "part of your clan", i've witnessed first hand the kind of players that make up the bulk of your force; mostly cowards and whiners. throwing accusations of hacks to every single instance of their death, DCing at the first signs of trouble, and talking about all these grand plans on the forums, but never acting on them. Actions speak louder than words. It's a shame really, there are a few (very few) decent players among the CQF only to get overshadowed by the childish behavior of the players that make up the bulk of this clan. As for your stricter policy, good on you guys, you really need it... I'd go as far as closing recruitment until you can deal with the internal problems that face you already.
  11. HunterofHunters

    Pending Update: Build

    i wasn't listening, could you repeat that please?
  12. HunterofHunters

    The UAZ I stole on US21

    What clan was it?
  13. HunterofHunters

    Pending Update: Build

    I understand the need to stop the ALt+F4ing... etc, I just don't see how making my character remain in the game for 20 seconds is going to help this without punishing legitimate players.... let's say you do find a spot that you feel is safe to logout, is your character model just going to stand there? will zombies still aggro? if a player comes by per chance, can they just kill you/loot your backpack? what about unstable connections, or ping spike kicks, or if you get kicked by abusive admins? it could lead to a whole new sort of griefing if it's not implemented properly (which I am sure is under consideration). I think the logging of personal habits of frequent logging in and out is a suitable solution on it's own. Remaining in the game for 10-20 seconds after logging out isn't. and trust me, I get just as frustrated at the DCers as anyone else (bandit and proud).
  14. HunterofHunters

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Logging off is their best defense... Good thing I raided those camps before they were destroyed, got some NVGs, Ghillie Suit, Range Finder, AS50, L85... antibiotics, and other supplies. I've noticed a lot of CQF are even scared to wear their own tags these days, what kind of 2 bit operation are you running here? ;)
  15. HunterofHunters

    Pending Update: Build

    i see all this talk about implementing a logout timer... sure that works if people are logging out... it doesn't prevent ALt+F4ing or even a ctrl+alt+delete... or even unplugging your ethernet cord...