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Everything posted by Darkstar_

  1. Darkstar_

    Hacker Recovery Thread

    I really like this idea and I would like to contribute by adding more stuff to your camp. I hate hackers and it would give me some motivation to start looting again, as of now I'm completely geared with no motivation to loot anything so it's getting quite boring. Actually I'll have to check if I'm still alive because I got teleported in the sky yesterday.
  2. This s*** is starting to take over. Today I joined 3 different servers at 3 different times during the day and each time after like 10 minutes of play I got teleported somewhere with everyone else who was on the server. Maybe today really was a particularly bad day, but this is going on for some time now. Back when I started out with DayZ I was feeling f***** over when bandit lamers shot me after saying "friendly" via direct comm and stole my loot, but now I would trade everything to have those bandits back instead of those so called "hackers", whom really are nothing more but dim-witted excuses of failed abortions. It's really getting quite annoying when you try to go somewhere and suddenly someone teleports you to some location miles away, in some thunderdome bs or right in the sky to drop to your death, because you actually start being afraid of logging in to a server. Honestly I feel like BI isn't really putting enough resources into stopping this and I will tell you right now that if script kiddies are allowed to take over and rule this abomination of a world while they are jerking each other off in a circle this could possibly be the death of our beloved game. It's spreading like the cancer and it's not going to stop until this hungry mob of half-wits is cleansed from the face of this bitter earth. And no I don't have any screenshots as I was occupied hammering Alt+F4 until my fingers were bleeding and I was throwing up so I could maybe keep some of my gear and not die a gruesome death by the hands of some 12yo antisocial fuckup who just experienced his first premature ejaculation from feeling like god almighty (praise the lord) in a vidya gaem. Which is utterly ridiculous, but I chose to pay for it nonetheless (silly me). On another note, I think this problem won't be solved by players reporting one cheater at a time. Excuse my bad language.
  3. Darkstar_


    Thats how you should play the game. Shooting him after he gave up his weapon without a fight would be just cruel and not rewarding at all.
  4. With a good team you're nearly invincible, so those stats are neat but kinda meaningless, it's just a matter of time to get there. Start rolling all alone and you will feel the real rush. With all the possible consequences of being a bandit. Put in the hours to find yourself a proper sniper rifle and whatever else you need to start sniping, do it all by yourself and feel the paranoia when you put it all on the line just to get another kill. Everything is much more rewarding that way, otherwise there's neither risk nor skill involved. Also, unarmed newspawn kills don't count (and don't tell me those 110 were all armed bru..)
  5. - clear identification for honest survivors and bandits (skins or maybe hats) - stronger zeds (or new zeds) which should be near impossible to kill alone (should force you to team up) - disable murder count, leave bandit kill count as long as you are no bandit - more random loot locations - if possible even randomize some buildings and zombie spawnrates like LostMem0ry said above - make all sniper rifles at least 2-shot without breaking legs on the first shot, 1-shot kills should only be possible via clean headshot. even if it's not realistic, get over it. what is realistic about every major city being camped by at least one (if not more) sniper with some fucking military grade rifle plus ghillie suit, who shoots unarmed people on sight like a conscience-free psycho-killer, just for shits and gigs (and his murder count) while he is ignoring the fucking zombie apocalypse happening right next to him - you know, the end of civilization, the last stand of mankind, where we should stick together to find a cure, or maybe just to survive the day. instead of going on a serial-killing spree we should hold high the things that make us human, like morals, or else we are nothing but zombies ourselves. currently the game is just preventing people from playing in a more friendly manner. and I'm not saying PvP should be disabled, far from it, but with some small tweaks like those I suggested above the game could slowly evolve in the right direction, where maybe not 99% of the remaining human population on earth are mass murderers who kill everything that lives on sight just for the fun of destroying something that someone else really valued (life).
  6. Darkstar_

    3rd person is MORE realistic.

    full ack OP even in 3rd person your perception is nothing like IRL face it haters.
  7. Darkstar_

    DayZ Stories

    A toast to you, Mr. Bandit Sniper Yesterday after my group left I decided to do some more lone wolf looting. I basically had an AK and a 1911, both without ammo, but I was good on water and food supplies. Starting a little north of Zeleno I went through the Green Mountain forest looking for some deer stands to loot. Easy enough I found me some AK ammo and a M1040 shotgun. I then proceeded further north to get those stands in Myshkino too. Coming from the north-eastern hill I decided to take a look down over Myshkino and the surrounding area with fields and the north-western stand. Running along the treeline I scanned the fields and made out the position of the deer stand north-west of Myshkino, that's when I saw some Zeds already crawling around those fields. I couldn't think about them much as a shot suddenly flew by and missed me only by a little, I started sprinting but it was already too late, I got hit by the second shot and was instantly dead. This really ruined my mood, I had already lost a M4Holo plus full gear (blood packs, epi pens, rangefinder...) earlier that day in a stupid firefight where I thought I had already won but my enemy was just unconscious and killed me after waking up, then proceeded to hide my body (which was really a dick move, bru...) Anyways it felt shitty. My gear wasn't all that good, but I'm happy with any weapon, a water bottle and some hunting equipment, and now I had lost all that again. Also I didn't really get why a sniper would camp this area, as it's not really a high traffic area afaik. His intentions of killing on sight were pretty obvious though and I wouldn't have had a chance even if I could've fired back with my AK as the distance was pretty huge and I didn't even see him. In hindsight my decision could've been a little foolish, as this area is really open and I totally paid the price for being naive and letting my guard down after running alone through the woods for so long. (note: just stay in the woods) Enough with the whining though! Somehow I managed to not quit the game forever and respawned in... Kamenka. Hell yeah, so I started running straight to the north-west. At this point I was on a kamikaze mission, I had no food/water and no weapon and I had lost hope of recovering my corpse as I was expecting the sniper to either camp or hide my lifeless body. What was I doing running in that exact direction then you may ask, well I was of course looking for some border tent cities! I wanted to give it one last shot that day, maybe find some gear fast while being relatively safe in the forest areas at the borders. And I got lucky, well kinda lucky... I found tents, many empty tents, but also one with a M16 and two mags plus a blood pack, I was starting to feel lucky again. I wasn't that far up north so I decided to look for more tents further north where people should feel more save about starting a camp, at that point I knew that I had to find some water if I wanted to make it out of the forest alive. But there were no tents anymore, running through endless forest I started asking myself if it had all been for nothing in the end? When my water indicator started to blink red I tried to make out my position and started running east, away from the borders again. I wanted to get something to drink and keep my M16 for some better day. Funny enough I realized I was just a little west of Myshkino at that point. I had recognized a small group of trees standing alone on a field with the ground inclining. Anyway I had to try and get something to drink. I rushed for the woods east of my position and quickly made it to a small barn building on the other side of the trees, on the north end of Myshkino. I ignored the dead Zeds lying in front and rushed in. Empty. I checked the corpses. Empty. No water. I knew the sniper or whoever killed those Zeds was probably still nearby and had looted the barn before I got there. My water indicator still blinking red. With the barn covering my position I took a quick peek to the deer stand northeast of my position, the same one I died approaching from the east before. Zombies everywhere. That's when I realized this guy was probably still in the area, waiting for more careless survivors to stumble by. To stand a chance with my M16 I had to get him from behind, before he could spot me from afar. I started running north, right in the forest, and circled to the east, looking out for any movement on the ground. That's when I saw him lying beneath a fir, all ghillied up and waiting at the edge of the forest, but he had not seen me yet. The rush I got was something special, my heart was literally pounding at this point. Most players should probably know this feeling, it was just extreme. Slowly I circled around him a little more so I could get right behind him, all the while trying to keep him in my sights through the forest (I wasn't exactly on top of him, there was some distance between us and trees blocked my vision while moving, also the M16 Iron sight is pretty shitty IMO) Then I lost sight. I had experienced some crazy stuff in DayZ already but this was just so nerve-wracking I can't find words to describe it. I kept stealthy so he wouldn't be alarmed to any loud noises from behind, and tried to find him while praying he didn't disconnect out of boredom or something. Just when I thought he was gone for good I heard a reloading noise right before me and there he was, still on the ground, looking in the other direction. While he was right before me the ghillie suit had totally deceived me up until that moment. I couldn't wait any longer, he didn't have mercy before when he took me out from his rather secure position while I was just scouting, so I put him down with four shots in the back, to make sure he wouldn't stand up again like the last guy I tried to kill earlier that day (with my M4Holo...) I quickly drank one of his cokes and took all the stuff I could carry, including a brand new coyote backpack with a FAL inside, blood packs, water bottles, hunting equipment, NVGs and a DMR with some ammo and made a run for it. I'm always paranoid while looting, but especially now with the gear he had on him I had a strong feeling that he probably had some buddies somewhere in the north, and at this point I had a lot to lose again. I left his corpse with the M16 that killed him and didn't hide his body. Maybe that was too nice, I'm not sure, but he should have a hard time getting there alive before it disappears anyway and I think hiding bodies just takes away from other players while adding nothing for yourself. Finally, after a bad start I ended the day with better gear than I had (and I had pretty good gear as I said, M4Holo and stuff...) This just shows that even if you lose some good gear in a heartbeat, you can get it back quite as fast sometimes, and that your death probably made someone really happy. I was hoping to find a sniper rifle for a long time now, and I'm really looking forward to trying it out (lol don't judge me) A toast to you Mr. Bandit Sniper, that was a pretty good shot you got me with the first time around, but now I have your gear anyway (HUEHUEHUEHUEHWHAGHAGHAHGHAHGHAAGHHAGHA)
  8. Darkstar_

    Remove Hiding Bodies...

    I think the Hide Body option is just unnecessary. If you ever killed a person in RL you would know that hiding a body is no easy thing to accomplish, you need proper gear like a chainsaw and maybe a river or a lake in the near vicinity, but that's beside the point. You should get where I'm going by now. Just disable it and let corpses lay there for at least one hour or more, it would add to the overall atmosphere. Imagine finding the corpses of some gunfight fought not all too long ago in the town you're just looting (instead of it just being a ghost town with some Zeds!) ~ Maybe even along with some Notes/Diaries of the deceased (If this feature is added soon :-O I'd love that...) Anyway if you can't carry the loot of the person you killed, just leave it there for some other lucky survivor. Bandits are destructive enough as is, it simply takes fun away and adds nothing for the ones hiding corpses (pls don't tell me it destroys your experience if you can't hide the bodies of your victims anymore...) If you fear there would be too much loot, maybe make one item disappear every 15minutes or something...