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About Snikkel

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  1. Snikkel

    NL 4 Hosted by [SoH] Admin abuse

    im saying that you shouldnt awnser and let the admins do it, nothing els. i dont care that you got info of admins let them awnser stuff there selfs. and i dont need to be a admin in soh, also im here because i was one of the players that was at the ambush.
  2. Snikkel

    NL 4 Hosted by [SoH] Admin abuse

    bravo, about the bullshit story's...
  3. Snikkel

    NL 4 Hosted by [SoH] Admin abuse

    i was at the ambush they did reset it 2 times 1time so we couldnt loot there bodys 1 for the cars. btw lumberjack about the gear never raided a camp before? and we have a base of our own aswell...
  4. ye it sucks worked pretty hard for the stuff i know its a alpha but just because some fags abuse the tents they ruin it for the fair people who got it you know
  5. What's stopping players from just returning to the wastelands and saving all of their masses of tents.. It would circumvent the whole purpose of Rocket's plan... Well i dont know maybe it isnt a good thing but what about all the players who got everything legit in there tents etc? its not fair for them all there hard work will be gone just because some people who think that its funny to put allot of tents down
  6. Indeed cant you delete the tents that are not saved in the last 24 hours? that would be great!
  7. Dont like This :( this ruined the game for me, damn all my stuff is useless now.
  8. I was with him my player id is: 11413254
  9. Snikkel

    Hacker Server hoping!

    Oke thanks for youre quick awnser
  10. Snikkel

    Hacker Server hoping!

    This just happend to the hole server ''Atlanta 8'' everybody got trown in the air and died luckly me and my friends logged out in mid air happend on 14 June at 16:20. After everybody died and typed in the group channel about what happend a guy called : Eat ''Da'''Poepoe voted to kick everybody and than spam voted to become admin. Btw is there anyway to not die and land save? thanks for the video me and me friends couldnt make it because it happend to fast.