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Everything posted by tinit

  1. tinit

    Lol @ hack post surge.

    i would find that boring , i like to see people it adds an extra layer to the game ... been duped by a hacker once but managed to escape after i got teleported
  2. you give me all your stuff and i give you some bullets in the head :P :murder:
  3. tinit

    My Day On DayZ

    wht server?
  4. tinit

    ZAS Clan Recruiting

    In-Game Name: tinit Steam Name: tinit Location: Uk -Newcastle Age: 24 Experience: can stay alive :D Why You Want to Join: to play with trustworthy people and get a diff fell of the game
  5. in game name? just so i can KOS you
  6. tinit

    So i'm a murderer now:[

    even bandits plead for mercy he could have well killed you in a previous life
  7. tinit

    You're gonna love this:

    nice kill on the noob hopper
  8. woo i want invite , i can rave with the best of them B)
  9. tinit

    Don't remove KOs, but...

    you can be knocked out from 1 punch IRL so why not in game.... people bitch about the un-realsim and the realism... its annoying to be downed by a zombie after one hit but you pick yourself up and get on with it ,, if u die then next time u make sure u not close enough to a zombie to get ownd :P
  10. tinit

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    rofl the answer is in your question....
  11. tinit

    Is everyone in DayZ like this?

    He helped you , your like a horse, broken leg = death
  12. tinit

    Zombies way too hard now

    lol one post saying there to easy and another saying there too hard
  13. tinit

    Fix for the artifacting.

    I have done everything suggested in this post and still its happening making the game once again unplayable considering i cant see anything.,,, surely they are patching this as a matter of urgency ??
  14. tinit

    It's 9AM GMT. Are helicopters in yet?

    just in case.... i call dibbs on all helicopters so unlucky everyone else
  15. tinit

    Hacker IDS found common thing

    was bound to grow up to be hacker with a name like player 1
  16. No if you go to dayz homepage and download the whole expansion again it will now load with the dayz logo instead of the Humvee
  17. cool thanks its always a stepping stone though ,
  18. share the secret lol my computer shud be running the poop outta this game yet i get bad FPS dunno exactly what it is as i dnt know how to check it in dayz , but i can handle most intensive games very well whats yur video options screen look like what you got selected in each one ?
  19. ok so i got it it working seems to be an issue with new dayz patch ..if your still get tank load screens and not the new dayz load pic then re-install the dayz patch files .. i did this and joined server no problem also im still running latest arma 2 OA update 95417
  20. nope , stuck ! hows n one else posted about this