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Everything posted by tinit

  1. well i did it and what i said is true to me at least , double checked it.... dayz the game where you get personal glitches
  2. The problem here is that your switching between and servers thus loosing your postioning on the map and reverts to spawn u on coast..... all you gotta do is make usr eu stay on the same build version whn u change servers
  3. tinit

    Something rather odd.

    it happens if u log out in shock you need to out wait the hourglass or starve to death or ( get someone to come and kill you ) Every time u log the wait time gets longer when u log back in ( there are a million posts referencing this )
  4. i urge the game to load faster - calling it names seems to anger it
  5. yah if u join a server that isnt the same build you have like .4 instead of .5 u will spawn on zee coast
  6. tinit

    What makes DayZ special?

    the atmosphere and emotion that is created through perma death , military style tactics and weaponry , basic survival needs ...
  7. tinit

    Very dissapointing

    so im confused a noob killed you , doesnt tht actually make you the noob :S
  8. tinit

    Why can i not join any servers?..

    have you made sure there servers are running the same build you are?
  9. they dont sound very friend like also i think your a psycho wud get tht checked out mate .... its jsut a game
  10. if u are installi no if your installin manual there should be no need for 6launcher , u using steam ? all you shold have to do is chose servers within the game
  11. yah coz in life if u cant beat em joiin em edit : forgot to mention your not getting my beans , nub
  12. tinit

    I just found 2 mountian dews

    I just found 2 mountian dews or did they find you ..........
  13. either you haven't correctly installed the patches being it the actual dayz mod or the arma 2 patches or your connecting to a server that doesn't ave the same updates as you , generally ones that are very old or more up to date then yurself when you load arma/dayz in the bottom left of the main menu it tells you what version your running
  14. tinit

    Big Foot In Day Z (Video)

    they added in bigfoot skin last night , got rid of ghillie :facepalm:
  15. tinit

    Big Foot In Day Z (Video)

    you sir are whats known in this world as a troll . congrats :murder:
  16. tinit

    FFFUUUU Update

  17. whts goin on is there a new update for dayz ? woof woof ?
  18. welcome to the world of A. Stupid admins B. Hackers you will get used to it , find a server u like and stick to it . your best off finding a server ran by decent admin that post on here
  19. i told them not to hold the patch meeting at green mountain .....
  20. sorry im not as helpful as those posting above lol but i have spent a while searching for camps and found my self out in the no go zones quite a lot and never found a campsite
  21. tinit

    DayZ Police Force

    LAW .... I AM THE LAW :murder:
  22. So last night i was in the shop/store whatever you wanna call it up at krasnostav and i hear *beep beep* .. i place my self behind a shelf and watch zombies begin chase up the street ... thinking i would be safe i exit via the rear of the shop .. only to find a camper van hurtling toward me with 2 people inside now usually i wouldnt open fire but in this instance i was on edge and they didn't appear to be stopping so i pull out my gun and pop a shot at the driver this causes wide spread aggro .. i manage to run around the shop on to a near by hill . looking back i can see at least one of them exited the vehicle to look for me , upon getting to hill to begin my snipe i relised they were gone .... they made a loud entrance but a super sneaky exit .. anyone got any better story's like when they actually manage to steal a vehicle with the odds stacked against them .. ( this is to combat all the , this game is shit heres how to hack posts i been reading this morning )
  23. nice ...nothing better then eventually coming off the best in a gun fight
  24. did u acquire the bus or was there one bandit too many
  25. tinit


    you blame your tent but infact it was me :ph34r: