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Everything posted by witalit@gmail.com

  1. witalit@gmail.com

    Would you play Dayz without Zombies?

    lol this thread has fail written all over it.
  2. witalit@gmail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    This thread is for testing results not more questions about future updates.. please keep it on topic.
  3. witalit@gmail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    After 10 minutes you can then respawn?
  4. witalit@gmail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Ahahaha this is awesome. I love the changes for lulz its gonna spice up the weekend sessions!
  5. witalit@gmail.com

    Fix for Graphics Glitches in

    I really have no idea. This isn't even like a little bug you can work around, its a major flaw to the game causing it to be unplayable for some people.
  6. witalit@gmail.com

    Konvict Gaming Recruting UK/EU

    I have just applied, sounds like a cool clan so hope I get through! Thanks
  7. witalit@gmail.com

    To the man in Cherno on SE #500 Bummer 6

    Move on bro, if he had a pistol he probably just spawned.
  8. witalit@gmail.com

    Body armor.

    Its not happened to me but I'm sure it has happened..
  9. witalit@gmail.com

    Body armor.

    It also makes it kinda lame. You spend all that time trying to find good loot, having a hard enough time finding ammo just to get shot in the back by a pistol or even a hatchett. I try not to get fixiated on loot but still spending hours finding stuff isn't always that fun, especially now with all the duping even rare loot has less value.
  10. witalit@gmail.com

    Trading 2 FN FAL AN/PVS - 4

    I had a fal until these two guys killed me on my bike and stole it. Thats all they took they left my Bizon SD which was nice and all the mags. Stole the dirt bike though haha was a rush! Least they didnt get our jeep.
  11. witalit@gmail.com

    More vehicles. Mostly cars

    I agree with this, DayZ with vehicles is so much fun. As you said it also gives you a little quest to do for repair runs.
  12. witalit@gmail.com

    stuck in room (pic)

    Or you pickup the can/bottle of jacks press 'F' on your keyboard and you can throw them at the window. Should smash in 1 I believe.
  13. witalit@gmail.com

    What do you do when you have a ghillie and decent weapons?

    The hunt for loot is fun but its now about keeping it. Later in the development of this game there will be tons more to do then just survive. Now you can try team up and scavenge for parts to repair cars etc.. I hope in the future you are able to literally build vehicles from parts now that would be awesome.. make that real hard though like 30 parts to collect so everyone isn't driving about with vehicles.
  14. witalit@gmail.com

    Hackers turned me into a bunny!

    Hahahaha wtf!!
  15. witalit@gmail.com

    Thank you to the Cherno Store Heroes!

    Some servers have the nametags Enabled so you can see their name when you aim at them. On the other hand you can press 'I' on the keyboard to bring the player list up.
  16. witalit@gmail.com

    Is the MP5SD6 any good?

    DayZ Wiki
  17. witalit@gmail.com

    Hacker found and busted with hand in cookie jar.

    I understood what he said but I had to translate it to English first :-).. Anyways those dudes suck I hate people using these exploits to win battles its just lame.
  18. witalit@gmail.com

    One thing that is ruining this mod

    Haha that was great
  19. witalit@gmail.com

    I Met a Friend in Elektro

    I have made a few friends when I first started but now everytime I have tried I get shot. Its so much better to meet with people on unofficial DayZ teamspeak.
  20. witalit@gmail.com

    Hacker found and busted with hand in cookie jar.

    Wow my brain fried trying to read that.
  21. witalit@gmail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Probably not I read the Arma 2 Beta patch did that.. someone correct me if I'm wrong?
  22. Edit... had my ticket answered already thanks!
  23. witalit@gmail.com

    UK 1 Server, private hive / abuse

    Private servers are for losers. Most likely COD Fanboys who are scared of any real competition and just want to spawn crap all day. I mean seriously what is so fun about spawning all the good stuff in the game? Sounds fun but I imagine it easily gets boring, no challenge.
  24. witalit@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build

    Once again..This change that will be made will reduce the load on the Hive meaning better loading times and performance for all. How effective it will be we will only know after the patch is released and tested.
  25. witalit@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build

    It hasn't even been implemented yet so just wait and see.. I mean at the moment you can just respawn as you want so at least its something. Rocket can't please everyone..