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About yagadoor

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Lingor is really nice! Cool map, nice terrain variety. And no hackers on private hive ;-)
  2. We had an unpleasant surprise about 4 hours ago in Canada2 server. Suddenly, artillery started firing at the NW airfield, at Balota airfield and around Chernogorsk. Also, when I wrote in the side channel that I was just outside Mogilevka, artillery fire started hittng the plains and forests near my location. I captured a 5 minute fragment of the whole situation and put it up on YT. YT Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22XSt17ELNU
  3. yagadoor


    Any reason why you are being kicked out? What does the error message say *exactly*?