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Everything posted by melbo

  1. melbo

    DayZ Execution

    Yeah, he was a true hero!
  2. melbo

    Stuck in flat, grassless expanse

    You have 2 options. Kill yourself and respawn OR run directly east for about 5-10minutes and you will eventually enter the map again near Sosnovka.
  3. Use ARMA II free version. http://www.arma2.com/free
  4. melbo

    Can't repair vehicles

    Can we get any confirmation that Rocket and co know about this and will be fixing it?
  5. melbo

    Can't repair vehicles

    Yup, not able to repair any vehicle at all.
  6. melbo

    DayZ Execution

    Bit of teamwork gets you everywhere!
  7. melbo

    Loading into Debug (?) Plains

    How far east are we talking here? Edit - About 5/10 mins you get back into the map.
  8. melbo

    DayZ Execution

    We try!
  9. melbo

    Lost hueys

    Last night on DE4 we lost 2 choppers due to the server crashing. We have checked last save positions, last time they touched ground, orginal spawn point and where they were when the server crashed. Any ideas?
  10. melbo

    Lost hueys

    Ours wasn't there. Guess they have been lost and respawned somewhere else maybe?
  11. We just lost one of our choppers. It decided to randomly to ditch itself into a mountain side upside down.
  12. DayZ to be included in the next ARMA pacth - they also say that in order to get DayZ into ARMA 3 that would require a years work after ARMA 3 has launched and that DayZ has increased arma sales fivefold. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16786
  13. melbo

    Installation problems.

    Excellent! Remember, prone is your friend!
  14. melbo

    Installation problems.

    Let us know if you get it fixed!
  15. melbo

    Installation problems.

    Has the installer you have used installed it to the correct location? Should be \Steam\SteamApps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@dayz\addons
  16. melbo

    Installation problems.

    Have you ran ARMA II yet? Are you running OA from your steam library or a desktop shortcut?
  17. melbo

    How to get to my friend's location fast?

    Not as yet, could be something implemented down the line somewhere perhaps?
  18. melbo

    Looking for UK survivors.

    I'm more than up for this. Being ex forces (British Army for 6 years) I love this realism stuff. Would be great to get in a group and scour the lands! Just ignore me if I start giving fire command orders when I get excited. Steam ID - Melbo.
  19. melbo

    99.9% zombie sounds are Mike Patton from L4D

    From the changelog -
  20. melbo

    How to get to my friend's location fast?

    Just a case of suiciding until you spawn relatively close I think. Not the easiest of methods but if you have a map then it's not so bad.
  21. melbo

    Camping spawn points

    Wow, thats pretty lame if that is actually happening. Are they looting for the Makarov magazines or just doing it for "fun"?
  22. Strange. Have you tried using the filter? Type "dayz" (without quotes) in the mission box and see if that comes up with anything.
  23. Just downloaded and installed the beta patch and having an issue with it at the moment. Running standard patched OA I can play Day Z just fine so this isn't really that much of a problem. Running the "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch" shortcut from the OA installation directory and this is what I have added to the target line: Dodgy Drive Name\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -mod=@dayz -world=empty -cpucount =4 -exThreads=7 -maxmem=2047 When it lauches I get the "addon 'dayz_code' requires addon 'CAbuildingParts" and cannot join any servers. I know how to fix this when not using the beta patch but with it....meh! I am probably doing something stupid that I should know but I can't seem to find out what! Any help appreciated! In the mean time, standard patch Day Z here I come!
  24. Used an ARMA II launcher and it works fine. I guess Steam likes to make things hard. If you know what I mean.