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Posts posted by Diminish

  1. What's with the current bleed system?

    It seems to have an internal cooldown, I need to test it for definate proof, but my own personal experiences over the last 3 months with it seem to be the first time you get hit you will always bleed. Then if you bandage and get hit by zombie, say 10-20 times, you wont bleed at all.

    Then, if you if bleed, bandage, wait 20 minutes, get hit by a zombie again, you'll always bleed on the first hit. Asked a few friends about this and they've also noticed it

    Anyone else?

    It would seem more realistic if it worked based on consecutive hits. For example;

    First hit has a 10-20% chance to make you bleed and every consecutive hit thereafter has an increased 10%, up to 80-100% untill you bandage, which then resets it again

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  2. If you'd of read my first post, while you were too busy facerolling on your keyobard, you'd notice I said I was aware it was fixed and should have been added as a hotfix. Downloading patches twice within a week doesn't concern me. The slight amount of time it takes to make the game playable more than makes up for it's current state. To assume I'd complain makes an ass out of you.

    I fully appreciate and expect multiple patches in an alpha state. So yes, it makes perfect sense on such a 'gamebreaking' issue to patch it before a content release. I don't actually understand what you're arguing about lol. " :)"

    Also, putting PS in a forum post, wtf?

  3. That's fantastic, I'm happy for you!

    There are currently no guarenteed fixes for the grahpical issues, just guess work. Yes, we've all seen the threads and tried them. What a shame they don't work, or at least work for long.

    Yeah guys but lets just completely ignore a bug which destroyes the game!! LETS ADD HATS FOR PLAYERS INSTEAD, MORE CONTENT GUISE! OMG LOL EVOXTOM IS BORED OF THE GAME

    Go back to CoD


  4. Hmmm.. The graphical issues which were caused by either the Arma patch or the DayZ patch is gamebreaking. The game cannot be played in any major city at all. Even some of the smaller cities and the airfields.

    In my opinion this should have been listed as a major priority and hot fixed ASAP. It completely kills the game for a lot of players, the load times are also an issue but not as corncerning. It's been how long now? I appreciate they're adding content, but if they state they've fixed it already, then it should be in. Now

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