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Everything posted by thedeadlysun

  1. thedeadlysun

    First time in a while...

    you should do dual commentary with some buddies, it will boost views and likes depending on who you play with :) i have recently started and i found that my dual commentary gets more views
  2. thedeadlysun

    Favorite DayZ youtubers

    its all about psisyndicate, and the the sacriel crew, and my friends say my vids are decent :)
  3. thedeadlysun

    Different Inventory UI

    looks really cool but it was photoshopped in and im not sure they can change how the inventory looks
  4. thedeadlysun

    Hackers with crossbows.

    he didnt really ask for the gear, and the stuff wasnt supposedly duped, it was hacked in, the point behind it is that kn0x is being a little bitch and trying to report this guy for taking stuff from hackers while kn0x is taking stuff from hackers and saying " oh cool, i stole from a hacker, nothing wrong here"
  5. thedeadlysun

    New Weapons / Suit / Greatest Discovery!!!

    dont even try that shit, you said you were reporting him for taking items from a hacker, so shut up hypocrite
  6. thedeadlysun

    Hackers with crossbows.

    i just called him out on it, btw everyone is hating on him on his videos, i bet he has 4.6 mil views that are 80% hate
  7. thedeadlysun

    Oculus Rift support for stand alone DayZ

    i remember when i saw the oculus for the first time, i thought it would make the perfect match with a tactical shooter like this, i approve (not like it matters though XD)
  8. thedeadlysun

    New Weapons / Suit / Greatest Discovery!!!

    omg, this is classic, kn0x is bashing on everyone else on these forums for taking hacked stuff and he is just like, " oh cool i found some hacked in stuff, nothing wrong here" this is stupid -_-
  9. thedeadlysun

    So I convinced my best friend to get DayZ...

    is your objective to get everyone on the forums banned dude? all i have seen you do is say that everyone deserves to be banned! grow up troll
  10. thedeadlysun

    Hackers with crossbows.

    dont worry, kn0x is a little faggot who just sits on the forums and bitches all day, i have seen his videos he is just an ass hole
  11. thedeadlysun

    Never Steal In DayZ (Video/Story)

    lmao, this is hilarious, all i have to say is you have to be one of the worst DayZ players i have ever seen, and i agree with everyone else, people like you ruin the game with your dcing asses, i am pissed at how many kills i get jipped of by dcers like you
  12. thedeadlysun

    insane adventure

    my friend and i went on a pretty crazy adventure not too long ago, filled with dead bodies and some other stuff you can check it out on my youtube channel:http://www.youtube.com/thedeadlysun13 extra video for teh lulz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20f5uKwFCSw&feature=plcp
  13. thedeadlysun

    stealin' an atv like a baws!

    we come across some unfortunate players who are nice enough to show us their atv! video: i know, i know, i was a complete dick in this video, i normal don't kill people like this but i had to :)
  14. you guys should do more videos, i have recently started and it is fun :) Edit: just checked your channel, lots of vids, gl with the channel btw :)
  15. thedeadlysun

    stealin' an atv like a baws!

    can someone remove some of these threads? the forums were laggy and it spammed them
  16. thedeadlysun

    stealin' an atv like a baws!

    sorry, the forums are laggy, trying to get someone to delete em for me
  17. thedeadlysun

    jackin the hackers

    ending song was the best :)
  18. thedeadlysun

    Found some hackers with a boat in the woods

    ive seen this happen at nw airfield :) and i have also seen a c130 on sniper hill by elektro
  19. thedeadlysun

    The Hero skin

    nope, but it will show up when you take the ghillie off
  20. thedeadlysun

    multiple characters

    i looked up a tutorial on how to make multiple characters just to find out what you have to do is make another steam account and buy the game again, i think they should implement something where you can just select another profile from the main menu and it load up a new character when logging in, because when i have some buddies over and they want to play i don't want them on my high end gear character if they have never played before
  21. thedeadlysun

    Want a sig pic? i'll make one for you!

    do you think i could get one with thedeadlysun across the middle, flames in the back, and DayZ in the bottom right hand corner?
  22. thedeadlysun

    crazy hacker stuff????

    i was recording for my youtube channel when i was sent into this strange area that everyone on the server was spawned into by a hacker
  23. thedeadlysun

    crazy hacker stuff????

    thanks dingus :) i will try and get the correct forum section next time
  24. thedeadlysun

    Why I kill unarmed players

    i think it is hilarious that people think all players are threats, the many times ive been in elektro and cherno there have been only a few hostiles which were taken out swiftly by my rag tag group of friendlies that this guy would kill for no fucking reason.... perfect logic bro, if i see you in game im hunting you down
  25. thedeadlysun

    crazy hacker stuff????

    it is a dangerous place....... BEWARE