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Everything posted by w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

  1. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    [RECRUITING] Relentless

    I'll apply, depending on Time zones etc
  2. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    Best Camping Spots

    The "best" camping spots won't be shared on here mate, otherwise they'd soon be amongst the worst. All these are pretty much the most popular.
  3. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    Are you addicted to Day Z?

    I haven't done an all nighter yet, I'd need people to play with if I was going to do that
  4. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    Are you addicted to Day Z?

    It was only the first 5-6 days where I played and thought about it as much as I did, since the weather's perked up I've been out everyday since It's a simple mistake while writing, hop off your high horse It's a simple mistake while writing, hop off your high horse Can't tell if you were trying to be funny or just have a shit sense of humour
  5. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    {PAF} Recruiting!

    Timezone? need to include things like that, where are the majority of your players based?
  6. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    Rate my load out!

    So I've been alive for 2 days now, this is my second day. My murders should be at 3 but when I put on camo clothing it was reset, just swapped my M4 CCO for the M249 and picked up NVG from crashed heli! (first time; wooh) What could be improved? EDIT: I WAS PLAYING THEN SUDDENLY EVERY1 SPAWNED IN THIS ARENA WE ALL HAD TO RUN AND PICK UP A GUN AND KILL EACHOTHER, TURNS OUT I DIED AND LOST ALL MA SHIT. I AM RAGING :@ (I HAD AS50 TOO)
  7. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    Rate my load out!

    I swapped the M14 for AS50 but then suddenly every player was placed in an arena and I died, losing everything. 3 hours later im still fucking mad
  8. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    Rate my load out!

    Look at the edited OP please -_-
  9. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    Places to go?

    So I'm going 'lone wolf', I have all the supplies I need, m14 AIM, m4 CCO, i'm looking to get them NVGs and Ghillie :P I keep running back and forth from Devils Castle to Starry and I never seem to encounter anyone, where else is a nice place to try bandit solo? I just can't seem to see any players and I play on very popular servers Please reply or mail me some places which would be nice to visit :)
  10. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    Rate my load out!

    Yeah I'm gonna fix it up, its really messy tbh, I have been playing solo this whole time and probably plan on keeping it that way for now, I'll switch weapons depending on the range and situation before entering combat :) But your gear, holy fuck
  11. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    Rate my load out!

    and i presume the fps will be a lot better, is it not harder to see enemies from a distance?
  12. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    Rate my load out!

    oh shit man nice! I'd love an SD weapon. do you always play in windowed mode? :o
  13. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    Places to go?

    Funnily enough I've just got my NVGs, now I will play on a night server, so yes, I do NEED them, as I want to have the best load out possible
  14. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    Rate my load out!

    Perfect mate, thankyou, a reply I was hoping for. I just nipped into Vybor hoping to find Morphine but was out of luck, I'll hunt down some animals and gut'em for their steaks, i might switch to a night time server now :)
  15. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    Places to go?

    I kill people for fun, and for better loot. I don't have all the loot I need, if you had read my OP you would've known that.
  16. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    Places to go?

    I found a motorcycle and parked that next to a crashed heli, I camped it in the trees for a good 30 minutes and lost patience, went off to hunt people... I'm wanting to just stay north, hunt down players with better loot etc
  17. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    Any Tips for a New Player?

    Trust no one
  18. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    Places to go?

    May I add: I'm only up for staying North, fuck going to the coast again :) I don't want to go NW Airfield alone :/
  19. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    My biggest killing streak so far. (Still not dead)

    get the fuck out, no it isn't, not at all
  20. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    An open question to Bandits.

    Adrenaline of a fire fight and loot
  21. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    holy shit what programs/equipment did you use?!
  22. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    2 Quick easy bandit kills

  23. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    2 Quick easy bandit kills

    I am a bandit myself, aswell as these two people I'm pretty sure they just fuck your legs up/kill you if you step over one which has been set...they're pretty rare
  24. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    2 Quick easy bandit kills

    Coyote backpack, M4 cco, plenty of ammo, bear trap, camo clothing, lots of medical supplies, food, drinks, the basics :) I'm still looking to hunt down people for their NVG's > :)
  25. w00tr4ng3@hotmail.com

    Only one weapon for you!

    M4A1 CCO SD