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Everything posted by ben_c
Apologies if this does not belong here, If any of the Team Old Skool see this then your server was hacked Friday 8 Mar 13 at appx 2315 GMT. Everyone on the server reported having the broken bone icon appear then a short time later all were killed by an explosion (as if they stood on a AP mine or IED). I say killed, but we were alive but unable to move and prone on the ground. When I changed servers this state lasted for a few minutes then I could stand but had a broken bone and could not walk. I'll gladly give any more details via e-mail or PM, I've registered in your forums but need activation.
The strange and bizarre death cult of Kamenka
ben_c replied to ponc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
One day, when this undead blight is scoured from the face of the world, I will return to Kamenka. I'll buy a little farm there, maybe marry a nice Kamenka girl and have little Kamenkanites. -
Just house cats, all cute n fluffy n fwiendly by day.... But by night, scary evil reflective eye felines straight from hell. It's just Mr Tiddles watching you.
What is your Dream Vision for Dayz - 2 Years from now?
ben_c replied to rassad's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Some good points in here. I'd like to see a seasonal cycle that reflects the real world. If you're playing in the winter months then its winter in game; think more rain, colder temps, even snow fall (why not have footprints at that point while we are dreaming!). Players would have their temp drop faster when idle and the loot table could drop cold weather gear accordingly. During the summer it's warmer so players suffer thirst more etc. Nothing too harsh for the seasonal effects but adds to the things players need to prioritise. I think DCS Black Shark would change the ground textures and weather according to the calander date. -
Yes, that's right. Remove the ghillie suit. There is a lot of QQ'ing about how DayZ is turning into a sniper deathmatch (Is it? But that's another discussion..). Rocket has stated many times that he giveth the tools and the players maketh the gameplay. Well, if you give a player the tools of being a sniper, those being a sniper rifle and ghillie suit, he will play as, well, a sniper. Now, this isn't a 'remove snipers' suggestion but an attempt to limit the thought process of having to play as a 'military sniper' because that's what your equipment suggests to you. To be honest when the end of the world comes my first thought isn't going to be to dress up as a compost heap and kill everyone who wanders past. Instead of dressing like a cabbage patch, give more options for a 'paramilitary' look (think Walking Dead, Falling Skies etc etc). A mix of civilian clothing with a military jacket which could be from different nations for variety (UK DPM/MTP, US 'digi-cam', Russian style etc). This part may only be feasible for a stand alone due to Arma2 limitations, who knows. Snipers have a place in the game, beyond a doubt. They do add a certain spice (except lame new spawn sniping, you lot should be ashamed) and provide good overwatch for group play.
Beans for the game title 'DinosaurZ'.
I'm.. I'm.. I'm a horrible person!!! *sobs*
ben_c replied to Biggylepew's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Good Evening Fellow DayZ'ers, So, after a non eventful and non too profitable scavenge in Berezino just now I stumbled upon an ATV parked up near the shore line in the the trees. It wasn't there on my way in so it had been there 30 or so mins, tops. Anyway, being the naturally curious type I took a peek into what gear it had. Well well, an AS50 with TWS. And 10 mags. Jackpot, right? I put my Lee Enfield down, grabbed the AS50 TWS and headed at full sprint to the beach. There I waded chest deep into the surf and dropped the AS50 TWS underwater. Then I sprinted back to the ATV, recovered my Lee Enfield and put .303 rounds into it until it formed a nice burning pyre. I hope whoever was using the scripted in weapon was in the nearby industrial part of Brerezino looking for engine parts for the ATV and heard the boom and saw the plume of smoke. I'm going to bed now with a warm feeling of having helped rid DayZ of those scripted in .50cal bolts of Zeus, all be it in a very small way. I wonder how many reading this would do as I have done, and how many would have taken the AS50 TWS knowing full well its scripted in?
Next time you need to go for a piss leave your character logged in, that adds some excitement to the whole process. Better yet, leave it logged in when you need a poo-poo. Hardcore baby, hardcore.
ben_c replied to skibbles911's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
You should have taken off and nuked the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. -
Can we make an official list for Alt+f4ing wussies?
ben_c replied to Ajvkorn's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Not this callsign. I have never, nor will I ever, use alt F4 to avoid legit combat or a resultant death. Note I say legit combat. Being teleported somewhere by a script kiddie is another matter. Fucked if I'm being their dancing monkey. I've had escapes from shitty situations that used cunning, guile and, let's be honest, sheer luck. I've escaped knowing that I bested that player. I've also died horrible bullet ridden deaths too, but the point is that the experience that DayZ provides isn't matched by any other game in that way. I'd find it disappointing that in the even the OP admits to have been a serial combat logger. And you started the fucking thread bemoaning the players who do it! Fuck my old boots, some of the double standards around here never cease to amaze me! If you feel the need to alt F4 to avoid a death or protect your fucking precious gear then maybe, just maybe, you should ask yourself why you are playing DayZ, or more appropriately ask yourself 'how' am I playing DayZ. Either way, grow a gaming spine and some moral courage and accept the consequences of the situations you put yourself in. Trust me, the game will reward you with some great experiences and fun. -
script kiddie on CA #28 name jack the ripper
ben_c replied to Triscuit's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I can understand your need to vent. I have a short fuse (no jokes please! Stop laughing back there) and my keyboard suffers a regular beating. For me I couldn't care about the gear. L85 or Lee Enfield, so what? When a script kid fucks over my day it's the fact that it feels like its all just been a waste of time y'know? Personally I hope that for all scripters that their first child is born boneless and their next shit is a hedgehog. -
No, sitting around all day eating beans and playing DayZ make you look fat. At least, that's what my wife says to me..
I could understand the point of view of the OP if it was a case of a survivor who has just dipped below that negative score and has the bandit skin; maybe they killed one too many players is self defence for instance. I can see how continually spawning in the bandit skin would be a bind to that player. However, when you have a negative humanity score in the 800k range that is a clear combat indicator that you don't spare anyone who is in your sight picture. Ever. It's the sheer amount of negative score in this case which is bringing out the 'zero fucks given' in most replies to this thread I would imagine.
Never killed another survivor. I'm one of the "good guys"
ben_c replied to RadienFire's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I don't kill on sight, but I'm not about to make you a daisy chain and sing 'koombayah' either. If you've got a shemagh wrapped around your head and I perceive you as a threat or you're spawn sniping then I'll brass you up, no questions asked. I helped someone who was enjoying their first day in DayZ a while ago. Got him geared up and sent him on his merry way, it was nice to see that not every encounter goes kinetic! This weekend I've decided to grab some kit and head back to the coast to see if I can help anyone. -
I fear this thread will not end well.
Well played sir. Well played.
Let's be honest, you didn't get that negative figure by accident, nor all in the space of a single DayZ life, did you? Consequences of your multiple lives of banditry or KoS'ing I'd say old boy. I'm not saying that play style is 'wrong', but it's clearly been your chosen style. It seems that for now, at least, you have to live with that choice.
What are your best experiences with BANDITS?
ben_c replied to th3grunts@aim.com's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Starship Troopers reference? Been a while since I saw that. -
What are your best experiences with BANDITS?
ben_c replied to th3grunts@aim.com's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Getting the drop on an AS50 wielding sniper camping the coast and putting a .303 round through his skull. I'd only spawned that character ten minutes previously. The gear he had was handy, although I ditched the AS50 with his body and kept my trusty Lee Enfield. -
Addressing "DayZ Game Mechanics thread".
ben_c replied to gambles's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
What a cool, edgy and hipster way of whoring your post count. Please ask your parents what the word 'discussion' means and then, please, come back and contribute. I find it interesting on how different people interpret what type of game (I know it's a mod, I'm using the term generically here) DayZ is. I read the OP, and the thread to which he refers, and I can see the pros and cons in each. I agree with the OP here in that the analogy used by SillySil does not really bracket DayZ in its entirety, but then SillySil is more describing the attitudes towards banditry and the expectations of players morals within the game. -
@Rocket; Does it really have to be zombies?
ben_c replied to daedrick's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Zombie dinosaurs. From space. Just sayin'. Totally buy that game. -
Why do the Cows in DayZ walk so fancy?
ben_c replied to Canadian2's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Now I am very very scared. If anyone wants me I'll be under my bed hiding from the freaky cow spider things. *Edit: I, for one, welcome our new bovine overlords. -
Hearing what your gun sounds like when being shot at.
ben_c replied to sturmwaffles's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The crack is a mini sonic boom. That's my boring fact for the day. Now back to our regular schedule. -
There are no white hat scripters/hackers in my opinion. If they kill everyone, thunder dome the server or grant you three wishes for spawned kit they are still breaking and manipulating the game for their own ends. Too many players seem content to whine to high heaven when a scripter fucks over their day, but have no problem accepting magically spawned weapons or supplies because that works in their favour and the scripter is 'doing a good deed'. Double standards of the worst kind.