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About Demonize

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  1. You should really push out that update then, because it is spreading fast.
  2. I am talking about all the DayZ standalone servers.
  3. One command and I am logged in as the server admin and can do w/e Don't want to make it public, so give me someone to pm so you can fix it.
  4. It's an exploit, not a hack. You remove pbo. files like you could early in the mod. It's been reported 20000 times already, and the fix is the same as in the mod.
  5. Demonize

    blood regen with current notifications

    http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/486685587172478235/4B23491B3BF1AE8F5A81D777833EA2C4A6C101ED/ Eat and drink, a lot.
  6. Demonize

    Water Purification [MAYBE NOT SOLVED]

    "Infection" isn't even added yet
  7. Demonize

    How to stop bleeding?

    Roll around on the ground to stop bleeding
  8. I found that in many cases the servers bottleneck your performance.
  9. Demonize

    How long have you survived?

    I don't like to survive just to "survive", I like player encounters, so I spend most of my time at hot spots, such as Balota. I've geared up so many times that it's just boring, so I always end up doing made up challenges with my friends. Currently trying to PvP my way up to full gear, starting with fists. I expect the transition from melee to ranged weapons will be hard. Also, being Balota Police Force is pretty fun. Camp Balota and kill the bandit groups that head down there to kill fresh spawns.
  10. Demonize

    Draw Distance

    Turn up scenecomplexity in cfg, or object detail in options
  11. Demonize

    Carrying the M4A1 AND the mosin?

    You can. Put one weapon on your back, then pick up the other weapon in your hands. It works, but it is really clumsy and you will drop the weapon in your hands everytime you use your hands for anything else (eating, opening med kits etc)
  12. Demonize

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Meh, only way to revive an unconscious player was to have him reconnect in order to make him stop running back and forth
  13. Demonize

    Please fix Mike Tyson Zombies

    Superman tackles are a bug.