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Everything posted by Marcuss95

  1. hey i only have arma 2 free but i am buying the bundle this friday when i get payed so i will be able to play dayZ. i want some friends to play it with so add me on steam ! http://steamcommunity.com/id/eLuziioNs
  2. Marcuss95

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    this is what happens when the world goes to shit.
  3. What would you like to see improved or added in 1.5.9 ?
  4. Marcuss95

    What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

    That actually happened to me about 10 minutes ago, the respawn delay needs to be longer or a radius where they cant spawn from a player
  5. Marcuss95

    Day Z...WAS.....fun

    i agree, there needs to be somehow that makes people want to work together !
  6. winny is my best weapon on dayZ
  7. Marcuss95

    What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

    A option to choose skin on new spawn, clothes findable in towns/dead corpse's
  8. Marcuss95

    Change Skin

    How do i change my skin, i am currently a bandit.
  9. Marcuss95

    Leaderboards? ...

    Anyone know when leaderboards will be working?
  10. hi, i need a group to team up with. I will tell you some info about me. I am male 17 from england. If you want me to join you add me on steam eLuziioNs
  11. Marcuss95

    Possible cheating?

    This has happened to me a few times. It really sucks
  12. loot a dead corpse lol, im rather good :D
  13. i have had many problems with spawns in Virginia servers before
  14. i would like to trade my spawn pistol and ammo for a map. map is most important to me as i dont kill lol. i have been on my account for about 19 hours now without a death and only have 1 zed kill ^_^
  15. i found a lot of it with general loot.
  16. Marcuss95

    Bandit Help

    how do i lose the bandit skin as humanity has gone from the debug monitor? Thanks
  17. Marcuss95

    Winny changes

    just tested the gun, i usually attract 1 - 2 zeds, now i got 13 from 1 shot. LOL
  18. Marcuss95

    What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

    Melee Weapons !
  19. Marcuss95

    Melee Weapon Petition

    Agreed. Marcus
  20. Marcuss95

    Chem Lights

    i love chemlights. its my most used piece of gear !
  21. Marcuss95

    Rocket launcher is underpowered

    yeah, why a rocket for 2 people? save it for a helicopter !
  22. Marcuss95

    What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

    it would be cool to see the old Vietnam field radios used for communication. http://olive-drab.com/images/anprc10_01_6in.jpg
  23. Marcuss95

    Dev may stop?

    i would be said if they stopped development :(
  24. Marcuss95

    Arma2's big rise to the top.

    i am also one who got it for dayZ. i only had arma 2 before :D
  25. Marcuss95

    Playing DayZ in singleplayer mode.

    you cant because the mod is linked to the servers i heard someone day.