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Everything posted by Marcuss95

  1. Marcuss95

    Perma Daylight Servers

    night it alot better :D
  2. Marcuss95

    Private Military Company skins?

    i also heared that if you own the dlc the textures are more high quality.
  3. Marcuss95

    What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

    yes, zeds can hit you from like 10 meters away. it is very annoying, i also hope this is fixed
  4. since you lose everything on death, i think it is only fair you should lose your bandit skin too as i have it ( i defended myself ) then i died and now i have nothing and try to team up i just keep getting killed because of it and its really annoying. Please make it so humanity resets on death to !
  5. Marcuss95

    What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

    Yeah i like the grenade idea.
  6. Marcuss95

    What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

    Hopefully the dev team will look at this thread and take some of the ideas and make them happen !
  7. Marcuss95

    The only thing I take issue with

    yeah they should be fully working cars around, because there is zombies, it doesnt mean all cars would break down lol...
  8. Marcuss95

    What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

    Yes i also would like to see zombies worked on a little. like you said maybe 40% stubble, 50% run but not as fast as they do now and 10% crawl.
  9. Marcuss95

    What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

    i want them to fix zeds too, they run through closed doors and lag through walls. it makes using shelter for cover on a night pointless.
  10. Marcuss95

    How do you change player skin?

    you cant, you get the bandit skin by killing survivors.
  11. Marcuss95

    Your highest Zombie body count.

    354 Zeds killed
  12. Marcuss95

    This mod is better NOW then ever before

    same thing happened to me last night lol
  13. Marcuss95

    Humanity should reset on death...

    well i really do hope the come up with some kind of settlement with it as i just keep getting killed by survivors. i tell them im friendly which i am and not 1 of them believes me and then kills me. then i lose all my stuff, respawn and the same happens. over and over. or if they introduced a money system and you could earn money or do something to earn money and you could pay so much to lose the bandit status, that would also work.
  14. Marcuss95

    Daytime servers are always overloaded.

    i actually like the dark. it makes use of chemlight and flairs. i would be disappointed if they make it visible at night. maybe a tad more lighter but not too much
  15. Marcuss95

    Humanity should reset on death...

    @Fenrix thats a good idea. they make us have the pain of losing everything but keep us as a stupid bandit, its kind of unfair, but i also see what Trav is saying, people could abuse it, maybe like you say, you start with 50 less on next spawn and eventually if you end up going negative on spawn then thats your fault because only a true bandit would get that.
  16. Marcuss95

    Humanity should reset on death...

    @Pot Ducky i am totally the same and because you need to kill to survive as people always try to hunt you it makes the humanity go down even more. I was doing good until i became a bandit skin, since that i have just done crap and keep dieing due to having to work alone.
  17. Marcuss95

    MERGED: Night time, darkness, gamma

    i agree with the guy above me ^
  18. Marcuss95


    How often and how much humanity is given to a player? i had to kill in defence and im now a bandit :@
  19. Marcuss95

    Every game has this topic: Females?

    i know a girl on ARMA
  20. Marcuss95

    Two characters on one game.

    no, its not possible, i just tried it for you.
  21. Marcuss95

    Anyone else like night-time better?

    i like night time better. i go proper stealth with my binoculars, NV goggles, flares and my chemsticks lol
  22. Marcuss95

    Elecktro Cafe - Story

    unlucky bro. exact thing happened to me. i would love to get them back.