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Everything posted by kebman

  1. kebman

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    A less accurate crosshair would be nice for orientation and knowing the general direction of where you're going. The screen size for most player is probably quite large, at least on statinary PC's, while a persons effective field of view is quite narrow (I'm talking about the focus zone, and not peripheral vision). Thus having an option to heighten orientation would be nice. (Hm, and if all else fails, just tack some chewing gum on the screen, lol.) Another argument: Last I heard the goal wasn't to make this game harder than real life (although surely it is to both challenge and frustrated players). Aiming in-game is much harder than in the real world, and takes much more effort than in the real world since there is no 3D view in the game. An aid should be given to overcome this fact. Also, in the real world you have fine control over both your hands. In-game you have to use the mouse as best you can as an intermediary.
  2. These suggestions are for people who have a mic and want to play nice. Others can simply continue with their philosophy of KOS. The BIS method: Behaviours and signs (B ) Interpretation (I) Suggestions and solution (S) I will just give two examples. I'm sure you can fill in the rest or come up with additional examples of BIS. Untrustworthy friendly part I B: Player keeps moving while in your vicinity. He may or may not talk to you and say "Friendly, friendly!" I: SIgn of the player not trusting you, or up to no good (like backstabbing you) S: Get into cover. Ask the player to stop and face away from you. Optional: Ask the player to drop his weapon on the ground. Give a set amount of time for the player to comply, for instance five seconds. If he does not comply within that time, shoot him Untrustworthy friendly part II B: Player tries to get close to you all the time. I: Most likely he's either trying to steal from you, or trying to get close to cap you in the head with a pistol or hatchet. S: Get into cover. Ask the player to stop and face away from you. Optional: Ask the player to drop his weapon on the ground. Give a set amount of time for the player to comply, for instance five seconds. If he does not comply within that time, shoot him Your turn!
  3. Zebras? I looove zebras! Can I have one? Also, lemurs are pretty cool animals. Don't know how they actually look like, but I'm sure it would be awesome in the game!
  4. kebman

    Light and Ultra-light Aviation

    All you need are some welding skills, tube framing, and a high powered lawnmower!
  5. Yes. Can admins please add a pole?
  6. OK, then. Don't follow my advice. See how far it gets you. :D You, Sir, have a very strange way of determining a bandit. Listen, if a player still insists on A) not stopping when you tell him to, or B.) still tries to get close to you despite warnings, then seriously, he's in breach of trust and deserve a bullet - lest you get shot yourself. This is all based on experience and observation. Experience: When I let a player, unarmed or lightly armed, too close, he has usually taken advantage of the situation and killed me even though I tried to be nice. Observation: Players who really want to be my friend, will A) respect my commands, and B.) trust that I won't shoot them when they obey. Players with mischief in mind, usually will not respect my commands, while still trying to make me feel safe by telling lies, like "Friendly, friendly". If they comply, I let them live, and maybe we'll head out on an adventure. :) If they do not comply... I kill them. Better him than me. Even with this tac I've still yet to become a bandit, per game mech. Now then, back on track. How would you determine BIS?
  7. kebman

    The Zen Bandit

    I noticed something. The creators of DayZ believe in karmic reincarnation! They must, or else there wouldn't be any need to get born again in a bandit skin (or hero skin, for that matter). I seriously think they're buddhist. Hey, I happen to think it's probably one of the best religions out there, however, I'm not sure it's the best thing for this game. So OK, I guess you need to know who's a bad guy somehow, but once you rack up a few kills and want out, you're in nearly no matter what. As the game is now, it's a one way street. You're doomed to forever be a bandit. That's some seriously bad karma right there... I'm not even speaking about the skin, which players may like or dislike. I'm speaking about the skin's effect on other players. A bandit skin automatically instills distrust and KOS dynamics. So what's a poor bandit gonna do to defend himself? You'll just have to shoot back if someone attacks you. Then you rack up more kills. Even if you cry out "Friendly" or offer blood transfusions left and right, you're going to end up in a firefight one way or another, and if you shoot a survivor - even if in defence - you're yet more points down the spiral of doom. It all comes to a point - the point of no return - where even trying to do right will become an impossible task, and you're stuck, forever a bandit. IMO this is too harsh, and makes for too limited gameplay. In fact I kind of long for those days where you really couldn't know whether you could trust another player. Those were indeed exciting days! I'm not the bandit type myself, but I've got some friends who just gave up trying to be nice. After a while of trying to get back on track they simply just accepted their "karma" and went on being bandits, mindlessly killing. I happen to think it's bad for a sandbox game to give so strong incentives for how to play the game. IMO everyone should be given the chance to affect their own fate without artificial karma being pulled down over their heads. Suggestion: Remove the bandit skin, or make it much easier to get back to being a regular survivor. At least try out some new algorithms, so that repenting sinners get a new chance. The most important part is removing the point of no return. As it is, it is simply too hard to change your ways so that you once again can become a regular survivor.
  8. kebman

    The Zen Bandit

    I don't agree. There are ways to tell if a guy is "bad" or not. Stuff like clothes and better skinning will also make Wanted Person profiles easier to make for law enforcement. Check out my new post, How to spot bad behaviour regardless of skin.
  9. Sorry, doublepost. Mods pls delete
  10. kebman

    City lights

    Actually, LED's are getting more common by the minute. These kind of lights need very little power and can stay on for ages before needing replacement. Chances are these would survive a long while into a Zombie Holocaust.
  11. kebman

    Littlebird vs the UH1H

    Come on! You can't hit jack with thouse guns unless the chopper's hovering. When you meet a Huey in combat, hide behind a bush and shoot it down with a Dinner Bell or Revolver. *True story* If you really want air dominance, the best way to use it is as a flanking tool, where you drop off a friend or two or three who can flank while you provide intel from above. Also the Little Bird is slower. Would be much more fun with rocket launchers or forward mounted guns.
  12. kebman

    What is the problem of Dayz?

    I like the private hives with side chat and other maps, like Taviana, much better than regular Chernorus. Reason: Different difficulty settings, more things to see, fun with chat and being social while surviving. Some of the servers got tons of vehicles, for instane, while others are even more difficult than the regular servers. It's so much cooler to have a real choice. So yeah, some of the server's aren't as die hard difficult and unforgiving as the original, but that's kind of the appeal anyway. How it's "diluting" the original is beyond me. Does it dilute water that I would rather drink milk? Lol, dorks!
  13. kebman

    The Zen Bandit

    Thanks for teaching. :D That was really enlightening. Just play intelligently, huh? Does playing other maps than Chernorus count as not hanging around the coast? To all you others: If you can't be original, at least be unoriginal with style. ;) Also, if it's still an obvious problem, nagging works suprisingly often.
  14. kebman

    Dayz standalone world wide

    It is possible! I give you... The World: http://www.outerra.com/
  15. kebman

    heavy weaponry

    Wtf, why not just add armor as well? It would be the ultimate in zombie protection, with reactive plating.
  16. kebman

    worth buying arma now?

    Ah, so this is why you can't afford the games..... ;)
  17. kebman

    So Would you Kill me?

    Killing camping wookies is even better than killing bandits. :D
  18. kebman

    Bonus for long term Survivors Suggestion

    I'm against it. However a title for surviving a long time is nice like, say "chicken".
  19. Put six bullets in a guy with my M1911. He didn't die. Then he came outside and put a Makarov bullet right in my brain. I immediately passed out. While I was down he put a coup de grâce into my head and then left. Time passes by and I naturally expect to bleed out and die, however... I awake, bandage, and survive the ordeal. Wtf is wrong with this game!?
  20. Winnipeg: "STFU that was no hacker! Dude, you're just butthurt. Stop whining and learn to play the game." * Winnipeg was killed * Winnipeg: "WHAAAAAT! NO WAY! IT WAS A FRIGGIN HACKER! I SAW HIM, JUST POPPED IN OUT OF NOWHERE!" Ratata: "LOL STFU you're just butthurt. Stop whining and learn to play the game." Sometimes hanging in chat is more fun than actually playing the game...
  21. kebman

    Fraps, will it get me banned.

    OMG I looove conspiracy theories! What are the links between running Fraps and getting banned?
  22. kebman

    How much damage does a zombie do?

    It's random. Anyway, am I the only one who thought: "How much would could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?" when seeing the title?
  23. kebman

    M14 or DMR

    So I have found both an M14 and a DMR. I'm usually lone-wolfing it up North, keeping to the forests and looting deer stands and helicopter crashes, and the odd store. I'm considering using one of these. Which one do you think would be best for my use?
  24. YESS! Looking forward to some great gameplay in the coming months. You guys crying "boo hoo no thermals" can run to your mamas! xD Got shot at the other day with some kind of sniper weapon. He must have been pretty shit with it. I went into cover inside a house and opened fire upon his general location with my SAW. LOL good fun to see him panic. I got a bead on him when he tried to fire back, but eventually he decided to get the fuck out of there, and I didn't hit him because I was outside effective range anyway. So what I'm trying to say is that there were some tense minutes during witch I was under fire from... somewhere... and until I got a bead on him. I still did just fine without the thermal equipment, and I'm pretty sure I had a much more exciting time too. After all, with a thermal the whole deal would be over with just one sweep. Now minutes went by in agonizing excitement before I finally found the fucker.