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About villanut

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. villanut

    UK 172 - DayZ Veterans - Free Vehicles

    Hi guys, message to the admins me and a friend got killed by hackers on you server tonight at about 9.00pm Uk time.We got shot out in the open in a field by the green mountain and the shots came from the direction of the green mountain. I managed to hide behind a truck that would have shielded me from them but was still killed with no one in sight and then I respawned and was killed on the beach instantly.
  2. Hi Guys,just wanted to let the admins know I was on the server 2days ago (12th August) and me and a friend encountered hackers who were using god mode and teleporting near Stary Sobor my friend was killed but I managed to log out with a broken leg,it was around 11.00pm to 11.30 Uk time if that's any help in finding them. It's the second time this has happened to me now,(the first time was a different server) hackers are spoiling a great game.
  3. villanut

    Base Defenses ( Document included )

    Well a fair point,but automated turrets wouldn't just be lying around everywhere it's new technology not readily available and as I said before it would just make the game about attack/defend bases. Also you say you make posts about decent ideas other people have but you ignore mine which are more fitting for the game than what your suggesting,I don't just latch on to one or two words I read your document and wanted to post about it because I feel this would spoil a game that's actually different from all the rest. Even if you didn't use turrets to defend a base the main problem is they would pop up everywhere and that's all the game would be about.
  4. villanut

    Base Defenses ( Document included )

    I did make other suggestions,but I don't think you want to listen to other peoples ideas. Not only is coming across automated turrets unrealistic but it will change the game from one about the experiences you get trying to survive, to one just about attacking/defending bases.Using barricaded houses for small loot,hiding items and being able to create some sort of compound using old vehicles etc as a defensive barrier are more realistic options. As for keeping vehicles safe, apart from some sort of compound (which even the one I suggested would be risky and might spoil the game) What about being able to remove an engine part so it won't start? So unless you find another you can't use it anyway,but if it was possible to keep vehicles completely safe for a player who fixed it when offline that might mean we end up with too many people in vehicles,unless respawning of parts is limited
  5. villanut

    Base Defenses ( Document included )

    The helicopter being pinched while you are logged off is exactly the same as you being asleep and your camp being raided and that is possible,although you would have people taking turns to guard your camp (which obviously isn't possible to have someone logged on at all times) So I think camouflaging would be a much better and realistic option, nothing should be completely safe in this game,I think if turrets and similar ideas are implemented the game will just end up being another online shooter with zombies. Camouflage and burying items and have a map generated of the position so you can go back and retrieve it (which if your killed or robbed another player could try to find it).But stopping players from server hopping etc would make a major difference,the game is supposed to be about the experience you have trekking half way across the map to the airfield for example,you might get killed you might not. Also barricading houses and using locks and broken vehicles to block off and protect is far more realistic than finding automated turrets. This is supposed to be a very harsh difficult game world and that's what makes it so refreshing and enjoyable,don't take this the wrong way ZombieGrin but it sounds like your annoyed about one of the things that make the game so different it's realism, the fact you have to constantly worry about losing your gear and starting again,but even though I don't like your turret idea I think it's great your taking the time to go in to detail about new things to improve the game.