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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Hi, I'm a bandit! I don't consider myself as a expert of this game or anything but I know how to find my way and do things here and there. I've shot people... I'd shoot you if you get in my way and it'll stay like that. Sometimes I do make social contact with my target and let them live but life comes with a price (like your gun, beans and water etc). I enjoy killing people, nothing is more satisfying than killing another bandit or well geared / skilled player after tens of minutes of following, planning etc... It's not so satisfying to put a bullet into a running guy who has a hatchet. So my point here is to get rid of those running hatchet guys (or at least some of them). I'm trying to give you hints / tips what to do and not to do from my point of view, so you would get less killed by other guys like me. I'm starting with a pretty simple, understandable list of TODO's and NOT TODO's. I will explain every statement later with more details: - DO NOT run over open fields, even better if you DO NOT cross open fields at all. - DO NOT up-run(running standing up) ever - DO NOT shoot zombies / animals with something not SD (silenced). I can heard the Lee Enfield shot from FAR away and it only takes one shot to know in which direction are you. - DO NOT agro zombies. I know it's a thought one, but at least try not to. - DO NOT use flashlight, chemsticks or flares. - DO NOT make fire at night - DO NOT disconnect to avoid zombies, bandit or any other way of dieing - DO NOT use the honk of your car - DO NOT drive your car with lights on in the nighttime - DO NOT go into houses with only one exit - DO NOT investigate the body right away after the kill, give it time, there might be others around - DO get an overview of a town before going into there (seeing zombies way before might mean something) - DO look to your back from time to time (numpad 1 and 3 are your friends) - DO turn off the in-game music and make sure you can hear the sounds well enough - DO use building to get away from agroed zeds. - DO look behind every corner before going out in towns - DO move beside buildings and fences in town Explanations: DO NOT run over open fields, even better if you DO NOT cross open fields at all. On a open field you are exposed, on a good day and in a good spot I can see a player running on a open field from about 900m away. That's close enough for skilled snipers to take you down. Of course it's hard to hit a moving target that far away and possibly you might run away from me (in that case, I usually don't come after you, closing 900m cap with a target might be too risky, of course there are exceptions, like if i know you're going into that town over the next hill etc), but if you happen to run towards me or just close I got time to plan my attack, switch positions if needed etc. You'll get a HS with silenced gun and you don't even know what hit ya. Try to stay in the woods... sometimes it means you need to go round and walk bigger distances, but this might save your life. It has saved mine numerous times. DO NOT up-run(running standing up) ever Like the last tip... running standing up makes you being seen easily. It's hard to identify still target from a forest / town etc. If you move, it's easy to see you, if you run standing up I don't even need my binoculars to see you from 600m away. Also, running standing up attracts zombies very easily. Crouch run. Even when you are traveling long distances like 6 - 10km... crouch run. Yes, it takes more time but again, might save your life. Also when you move slower it's easier for you to spot others and see them before they see you. DO NOT shoot zombies / animals with something not SD (silenced). I can heard the Lee Enfield shot from FAR away and it only takes one shot to know in which direction are you. Just yesterday a guy lost his life because of this in Mcta. I was minding my own business around Rog when I heard Lee Enfield shots. Being interesting what's going on I went investigating. Dude got a buttle into his head about 5m later. Why? Cause he was using a Lee enfield to kill zombies instead of hatchet or using buildings to lose the agro. He also had M4 and Alice pack also some other stuff... When fighting zombies, try to avoid shooting, if you must at least use a sidearm. If there's no other way (sometimes might happen) shoot the zombie with primary and get outa there ASAP. If that Mcta guy woulda been walking away after the first shot, he'd still live. DO NOT agro zombies. I know it's a thought one, but at least try not to. To avoid being in the last situation after all, just don't agro zeds. Yes, I know the zed agro is mad atm, but if you crawl and keep your eyes open you should be fine. Agroed zombies draw attention very easily as they'r running fast, also giving up your position. Numerous times I've spotted people only because a zed ran to him (or to a house where there was someone in), also after agroing a zed you must deal with him which might cost you your life in one way or another. Snipers gladly shoot people who are standing still waiting for a moment to shoot the zombie they've agroed. DO NOT use flashlight, chemsticks or flares. Don't even pick flares up... NEVER EVER use em no matter where you are. A flare lasts for 5 minutes, when I see a flare I know someones close by. This is giving me an advantage over you, cause I know you're here somewhere, but you don't expect me. Of course you don't get killed every time you throw a flare, but you're doubling your chances for sure. This also goes for using a flashlight, which is even worse. When I see a flare, I know you're around but I don't know exactly where. When I see a flashlight, I can shoot you even without really seeing you cause it gives away your position so well. DO NOT make fire at night For the same reasons I pointed out in the last tip. Fire is seen from FAR away and noticed in the night very easily. IF you really need to make a fire, do it quickly, it doesn't take more than 10 seconds to light the fire, cook the meat and put the fire out. After doing that, don't be standing in the same spot, move as far as you can to be safe. DO NOT disconnect to avoid zombies, bandit or any other way of dieing This just isn't ethical. Alright, we can maybe forgive you avoiding zombies, but if you are getting shot at, don't disconnect. You got into the situation yourself and it's entirely your fault that you're shot at, die with dignity and accepting the fact that you made a mistake. Of course if you have the chance, fight back and give the best of you to kill someone who's trying to shoot you, firefights with other people give unforgivable memories and stories to tell. After surviving and getting into the safety analyze what went wrong and how could you avoid the same situation happening again. DO NOT drive your car honking all the time Unnecessary sounds might also cost you your life. Even when the car anyway makes a lot of noise, don't honk. It's easier for others to determine the direction and distance from you which gives them an advantage over you. DO NOT drive your car with lights on in the nighttime It's alot harder to shoot and see a car with no lights on. When you're driving with lights on you're seen from far away thus making you a good target. DO NOT go into houses with only one exit Markets, firehouses, barns, factories etc have at least two or more ways to come in and go out. If you go into a house with only one entrance, it's not very hard to guess from where are you coming out. In those 3 seconds what takes you to come out of the door are more than enough for a sniper to take the shot. He knew where to expect you if he saw you going into the house, he had plenty of time while you were looting inside the house to determine the distance, bullet drop etc. While in bigger houses and houses with more doorways, it's harder to know which way are you going to use, thus giving better chances to live even if someone saw you going into the house. Also fighting zombies is easier (just use the other exit to go out and lose zombie agro) DO NOT investigate the body right away after the kill, give it time, there might be others around I know you all feel a rush for looting after killing someone but try to hold yourself back. Some days ago I shot a guy on elektro hill (he was sniping with .50 under the tree) from about 100m with a SD weapon. After the kill I moved a bit and tried to get an overview of the situation. Not long after I saw a guy stand up from the bush little down the hill and run towards the sniper body, if I had gone to loot that body right away I'd be dead... Instead I got two kills, more loot and a M4A1 CCO SD off the guy who tried to loot the sniper. After kill, just wait little bit, see if there's any more movement going on. Maybe the guy you shot had 3 friends... you never know. DO get an overview of a town before going into there (seeing zombies way before might mean something) If you're about to enter a town, get a moment to see if anything is going on rather than just rushing into the market. Also always ask a question from yourself "Am I close enough to spawn those zombies I see there?", have saved mine and will save your life if you do it. If you haven't spawned em, someone else is around and then you need to be extra careful. DO look to your back from time to time (numpad 1 and 3 are your friends) When going thru forests or moving in town, just check your back from time to time. Never know, maybe you see a guy following you or a flare far behind. DO turn off the in-game music and make sure you can hear the sounds well enough Hearing sounds is essential in this game. I know the music makes a good atmosphere and stuff, but if you want to live you need to hear loud and clear. I've spotted a guy just because I heard him cough. Plenty of times I've heard someone drink a soda before I even knew there was someone around. DO use building to get away from agroed zeds. As I was saying in one of the NOT TODO's, use buildings to lose zed agro if you happened to get any. Just run in from one door and out from another and be sure to pick a building which has two doors... DO look behind every corner before going out in towns In town you're never safe (actually you're never safe anywhere in this game, but it's especially bad in town) so when you move around be sure to look everywhere. You might spot another player or a zombie you didn't see before. Keep your eyes open and you'll be fine. Those are my tips and tricks. If you don't like them, don't follow them, I'd be happy to shoot you because you don't. Discussion is welcome, also feel free to add anything or correct me if you think I'm not right (or if my spelling sucks)
  2. Awesome fight yesterday @ Solnichniy factory. We got there with our group (3ppl) when following a chopper we first saw in Berezino. When we saw it hovering the premisis we left our car and split up. Little bit after we heard a truck coming and then hell break loose. Everybody was shooting, zombies were everywhere. We managed to kill 4 of you, but I bet there were like 2 more... It was an awesome fight that took place there. I've never been in a fight with like 9 people... I kinda hoped that someone of you have some video material about it, I'd be more than happy to see again what happened there. And who drove past there with a blue van? Lucky guy... happened to be in the right place at the right time : D. Great fight tho! And appreciated that you left our vehicle there and didn't blow it up. Until we meet again!
  3. Some whitelist requests waiting up Venthos, so anytime you're done with the restarts & stuff ;)
  4. I'm hoping to get the transfer also... And just inventory is enough imo.
  5. Yeah... no... not me.. :) We didn't see anyone else while driving the vodnik around, so the guys you met were probably someone else.
  6. Hehe, probably... I actually hoped it would be you guys. So you could drive me to your vehicle camp and I could steal your chopper MUHAHAHA.... Didn't work out like that tho.
  7. My donation to Venthos ;) Sad i'm not famous on youtube or something... but still worth a shot lol.
  8. I'm sure venthos will think of something to make vehicles & tents harder to find from air... But indeed, it's a pity that one group got all 3 helis... no-one stops us from taking those from them tho.
  9. Fine...don't turn 3d off, but change gametime to reflect correct EU time. Keeping it in US timezone doesn't really make any sense.
  10. Dude... I'm very (read again) VERY happy to hear this. I've had a blast of fun time in the US server and I'll also miss people from there but sometimes the issues with ping make me rage. Also my daytime, US server is usually pretty emtpy and because of full-time work I really can't play until 6 AM to get most out of it :) I've never had a DayZ server tho, so i'm unable to help you with choosing hosting. Hope to see it soon and feel free to remove 3d And btw, you need to get that automated whitelisting running... will win you some players.
  11. You guys AOD or BSB? Just wondering :)
  12. Please do something about the Z's agro / count / weapon damage. Currently there's no way to "clear" a place because Z's respawn almost instantly. Also I find it irritating that I need to shoot Z for like 5-10 times with a pistol to kill it. Also, Z's shouldn't agro 300m away just because they happen to look at you. It needs some fixing so the game would be playable again in day. And: Thanks Venthos for the M4A1 in Zele. Thanks AOD guys for the cool ride to your camp (Y)
  13. tommes upload the first recording anyway (if you still have it)
  14. I'm all in for more hardcode... Personally I'd lose 3d but I'm not sure how many players will be left then (in PvP 3rd, gives too much of an advantage imho)
  15. 25% to die and 75% to live is way too much, i'd do it the other way around. 75% to die and 25% to live... But right now i'm really happy with the current system... I mean sure, if you get power outage on a bad time it sucks, BUT i think it is fair.
  16. I'd go with something like this also. Early DayZ dayz, it was actually possible to crouch sneak thru cities in daytime. Now zombies agro 200-300m away if you they look towards you so even if you're crouching they'll insta agro you from way too far away. Or if you just stand still and zombie happen to turn to your way 200m away, he'll agro. But as they're easy to get rid of, people just run thru towns... rather than trying to sneak.
  17. Don't fight helis, fight the fact that it's too easy to spot tents from above. Maybe think of something that could not be seen from above? Holding box that could be hidden into houses? Something that's the same color with ground? There got to be a way to do it without losing helis.
  18. I'm thinking that EU server should be HC... no waypoints, no 3d, no crosshairs :)
  19. One guy just logged while being under chloroform... also i couldn't open his inventory only the backpack (which i thought i could...disarm the guy while he's knocked) My suggestion would be, that while being under chloroform you will get combat log when logging... [zG]stabshot - not great tho mate...I understand that M4A3 CCO is hard to get hold on, but still, nothing for to log... I actually didn't have in mind killing you, just little bit of talk etc.
  20. I'm very positive about it... I've been thinking all along, that why doesn't ghillie drop. But it should be an option "Take ghillie" rather than an item in the inventory (and doing that action should take some time... 5-6s maybe?) And why not do a action "Give ghillie" what would make someone else wear your ghillie... Also another idea: Make "Chloroform arrows". One Chloroform + arrow = this item. Shooting someone with it has the same effect than using normal chloro, but this would make crossbow useful and would just be a cool mechanic to have.