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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. I think the main difference is that bandits don't think twice if they have a chance to shoot other player. Survivor will try to socialize or just stand still until the other player goes. I agree, but writing DO NOT instead of TRY NOT TO seemed better. Of course I've myself done those DONT's and even get killed because... but that's the main reasons I wrote it, people should learn from their mistakes but even better when they also learn from someones else mistakes.
  2. In such a sandbox game you need to make the end-game yourself. As some ideas here... - come a medic... help up fallen surviors, give em blood and other essential items - start up a taxi company with UAZ... I'd like to get a ride to NEAF for 4 bean cans. - put up a tent and try to fill it as many beans as you can get / find. - Start hunting animals, write down every single one you've killed, where and with what etc. - Run thru Cherno in 50 people server yelling "trololololol" in voice comms. - Become a stalker... stalk people for fun, don't kill em, just keep an overwatch on what they do, where they go what they find... kill any threats what face em. ... There are endless possibilities what you could be or do, just use your imagination and if you don't have one, just go killing people or do endless "V" in the middle of NEAF until the game end reaches you.
  3. Hi! As far as my IRC talk went yesterday in #DayZ, I didn't get reliable way to check if the server is offical (connected to the main hive) or not. Why do you think I think it's a necessary feature to have? Yesterday me and my pals were playing on DE 333... as the night came in and server started to run empty from people we switched to DE 304 (everything good so far). Later that night when DE 304 also kinda "died" and only few guys were on it, we agreed to switch servers again and chose SE 6. After the loading screen and to my surprise, I was standing on a beach having only the starting stuff... after the first panic moment I was starting to switch servers to find my gear and it was only there on DE 304 and DE 333 servers.... so I thought to myself WTF? Those DE servers looked like officals.. they had server names like every other offical server, they had spawnspots like normal servers etc... Why do I think that they were unoffical? Cause that's the only reasons I could think of for losing my gear in other servers and still having it there... There's only one hive right? So what I'm proposing, is that DayZ stuff would reveal the list of all official servers. So the players can make sure, that they play on a official server without trying to figure it out from server hoping.
  4. That's what I'm telling you... they should make the list (should be rather easy to make it actually, just an DB dump with correct params)
  5. DayZ stuff should know which hive versions server run... I'd still like that list (also including current hive versions etc)
  6. So there are separate hives? How can I know which one is the latest (so I wouldn't lose my stuff when the old ones switch to the new version of hive?)
  7. All the mentioned servers have @hive under the Expansions section... So i'm considering all of them being offical... What could be the reason for char not saved to other server then?