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Posts posted by ssimmons

  1. I've been playing on "DayZ IL 2-0" for a few days ... it went offline about an hour ago and hasn't come back up.  I have a lot of gear invested into stashes on this server so I'm reluctant to play anywhere else.  Does anyone know why a server would just go offline and not come back?

  2. We've got long respawn timers on most everything of high value in the quonset hut. Mags, weapons, etc.


    Food spawn rates seems exceptionally low, especially in the West/North/Northwest side of the map.  More than 8 hours of scavenging and I am just barely maintaining my hunger state above starving.  We're talking about having cleared every single town, big and small between Zelenogorsk and Vavilovo.  Rough guess ... out of 150 civilian residences, less than 10 of them had food.  This is a problem ... I have been minutes from starvation several times and managed to find a couple of apples, but just barely made it.

    • Like 1

  3. It is absolutely inexcusable that this option is not in the game, especially when there are bugs where the player can get stuck inside walls of a building and there is no way out.  I have read thread-after-thread of suggestions on how to escape, but there is no way out and no way to die.  This might be an alpha, but this is a huge game-breaking bug that has been completely ignored for more 8 months -- instead of trying to find ways to prevent people from exploiting, have you considered finding ways to keep people from stopping playing altogether?  This would be a good start.

    • Like 1

  4. What we really need is a suicide option in-game ... it's not going to be exploited "for quick respawns" if it requires a bladed weapon or firearm in the inventory.  I think what is even more sad is the fact that this has been a "known issue" for more than 8 months and there's no solution for some people other than to let your character die of dehydration or hunger ... which takes an enormous amount of time.


    Just add the damn "Respawn" button back because it's hurting players more than it's helping prevent people spawning in a convenient location ... if anything, put a cooldown on the damn respawn button so it can't be used until your character has been a live for a least an hour.  Wow, was that so hard?  It's amazing that the SA has been in alpha for this long and nobody has spent more than 30 seconds to think up a SIMPLE solution to a very annoying, fun/game-breaking problem.

  5. As a veteran software developer, I can assure you that throwing more resources at a project doesn't always mean it will be done faster.  There's a very delicate balance with this because adding more resources actually slows down a project in the short term because of learning curve, etc.


    Less people == move faster.  Fact.

    • Like 2


    well, this is my last alpha. I´ve been at warz before this and sadly at this moment it´s happening the same. they promise AI zombies is the first but patch after patch zombies are the great forgotten. 

    The big problem with this prepaid prealphas is all players asking for things that they want to see ingame. Hardcore gamers want more pvp features and oldschool gamers more PVE improvements. Dev try to give a bit to all players and finally the game goes to no place. we never have a finish and polish game.


    I expected that DAYZ wasn´t going to be like this but it takes the same road. in one month the core of the game is still the same; we have more shoes, more trousers, we can paint our mosin?!? more drinks with funny games but mothing important like a new AI zombie, a better melle combat system...

    well, this is last prealpha for me  :)


    How could you miss the GIANT DISCLAIMER when purchasing this game or launching it that says it's broken, it's a work in progress ... and DON'T BUY IT?!


  7. Heh, maybe they're using the gear dupe exploit? Have a back up clone somewhere maybe if they get killed? ;P


    Good thing I haven't encountered a hacker. Don't want my day ruined by a person that is a loser and must rely on hacks. This is why I join protected official servers.


    I considered that, but the fact that he was back to a very specific location that wasn't a 2 minute run from ANY spawn point makes me certain it was a teleport hack.


    Regarding the whole hacking vs cheating symantics -- it doesn't really matter what we call it for the sake of this thread because everyone knows what we're talking about it.

  8. Personally speaking, I think there should be CONSIDERABLY less ammo.  I think there would be a lot less kill-on-sight mentality if ammo were somewhat uncommon (even at military bases).


    As it currently stands, there is too much ammo in the game -- so people just spray bullets at everything that moves.  If there were a lot less, people would save their bullets for defending themselves instead of using them to mow down everything in their path.

    • Like 4

  9. It seems there is a large percentage of COD r-tards that play this game as I've seen about 40 or 50 different players so far use combat logging and ghosting (logging in to a different server to move - then rejoin the old server) like a bunch of pussies.  Please make fixing this a priority because it's has a huge negative impact on the game.

    • Like 3

  10. The DayZ team should have spent the last year perfecting the basic game. We should be at the point where;


    - Zombies perfected

    - Loot & spawn system perfected

    - Health system perfected

    - Major glitches and bugs eliminated


    Then upon its release in 'Alpha' state, they should begin rolling out character/weapon customization and all the other little features that are planned for the games eventual state.


    The biggest problem with the mod was cheating/hacking -- there's no debating that fact.  Everything you listed will come in time -- they just spent the last 15 months rebuilding the entire framework for the game so they COULD make those things better.

    • Like 1

  11. I have found an abundance of food, just no way to open the cans.  Has anyone actually found a can opener?  Even with lastnight's patch, I was not able find anything capable of opening up the plethora of cans I found.  Deaths so far, by reason:


    Zombies: 0

    Players: 0

    Falling: 1

    Dehydration: 2

    Starvation: 3


    What have your experiences been?

  12. Dean Hall bit off more than he could chew and he knows it.... his vision was not realised because no1 working for him respected him and his foolish notions of design and developement.... He had a good run.. he got paid a lot, he is not a leader.. gratz to him for dragging it out for a year... I know i paid $30... so hatz off to the kiwi. Now please disappear.


    I hope however that I am entirely wrong and you dig this god awful alpha out of the deep hole it is in.... the Execs must of insisted you release this bag of crap.   #warz


    Actually, you DON'T get it.  You would get it if you actually read and comprehended the big disclaimer message on the product page, which reads:

