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About ssimmons

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  1. ssimmons

    DayZ IL 2-0 Gone?

    I've been playing on "DayZ IL 2-0" for a few days ... it went offline about an hour ago and hasn't come back up. I have a lot of gear invested into stashes on this server so I'm reluctant to play anywhere else. Does anyone know why a server would just go offline and not come back?
  2. ssimmons

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Is there any chance we'll see a performance fix to re-introduce Infected prior to 0.59?
  3. ssimmons

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Food spawn rates seems exceptionally low, especially in the West/North/Northwest side of the map. More than 8 hours of scavenging and I am just barely maintaining my hunger state above starving. We're talking about having cleared every single town, big and small between Zelenogorsk and Vavilovo. Rough guess ... out of 150 civilian residences, less than 10 of them had food. This is a problem ... I have been minutes from starvation several times and managed to find a couple of apples, but just barely made it.
  4. ssimmons

    Suicide Button?

    It is absolutely inexcusable that this option is not in the game, especially when there are bugs where the player can get stuck inside walls of a building and there is no way out. I have read thread-after-thread of suggestions on how to escape, but there is no way out and no way to die. This might be an alpha, but this is a huge game-breaking bug that has been completely ignored for more 8 months -- instead of trying to find ways to prevent people from exploiting, have you considered finding ways to keep people from stopping playing altogether? This would be a good start.
  5. What we really need is a suicide option in-game ... it's not going to be exploited "for quick respawns" if it requires a bladed weapon or firearm in the inventory. I think what is even more sad is the fact that this has been a "known issue" for more than 8 months and there's no solution for some people other than to let your character die of dehydration or hunger ... which takes an enormous amount of time. Just add the damn "Respawn" button back because it's hurting players more than it's helping prevent people spawning in a convenient location ... if anything, put a cooldown on the damn respawn button so it can't be used until your character has been a live for a least an hour. Wow, was that so hard? It's amazing that the SA has been in alpha for this long and nobody has spent more than 30 seconds to think up a SIMPLE solution to a very annoying, fun/game-breaking problem.
  6. ssimmons

    Where are the updates? **crickets chirping**

    As a veteran software developer, I can assure you that throwing more resources at a project doesn't always mean it will be done faster. There's a very delicate balance with this because adding more resources actually slows down a project in the short term because of learning curve, etc. Less people == move faster. Fact.
  7. ssimmons

    Where the hell are everyone?

    I can't speak for anyone else, but while I do enjoy the game, there isn't a whole lot to do at the moment so I'm waiting for some real "end-game" substance to be added.
  8. ssimmons

    no more alphas for me

    How could you miss the GIANT DISCLAIMER when purchasing this game or launching it that says it's broken, it's a work in progress ... and DON'T BUY IT?!
  9. The answer to this question can be found by watching the following demonstration -- TheDevilDogGamer attempts to be "Friendly" to all players: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfPstXBq92c
  10. I considered that, but the fact that he was back to a very specific location that wasn't a 2 minute run from ANY spawn point makes me certain it was a teleport hack. Regarding the whole hacking vs cheating symantics -- it doesn't really matter what we call it for the sake of this thread because everyone knows what we're talking about it.
  11. Make no mistake, there is a boatload of hacking currently going on. I've encountered MANY hackers so far -- most of them are using teleport and equipment spawn hacks. It's really fun to kill hackers and have them show up again 5 minutes later with a complete set of the same equipment, then kill them again ... it probably makes them want to rage-quit. :)
  12. Until there is a need for players to interact to achieve some common goal, it's always going to be KOS.
  13. ssimmons

    Day / Night realism

    I think night is an important part of the game, but it's virtually unplayable in its current form unless a player has NVGs (which aren't in the game yet).
  14. ssimmons

    Playing this game as an FPS is the worst.

    DayZ + first person + elevation = falling death. Personally, I use 3rd person for times of awareness and travel ... when I get into situations where I need to shoot or whatnot, that's when I switch to first person perspective. Both views are necessary IMO.