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Everything posted by Sifern

  1. Sifern

    New Clan the Cherno Champions

    Forum Name: sifern Game Name:Thomas Age:27 Gender:male Mic:​razor mastodon Play Style: I play with two screens when one of them always has a map up, so most of the time i am in the back with a pistol directing movement and routes. Humanity (Number or type):the only time i have ever even seen another human player in this game he shot me 5 times.... How long have you been playing:3 months off and on... when ever i have a friend that wants to try it i show him around then, dont have anyone to play with so i quit.
  2. Sifern

    free stuff

    So i have allot of medical supplies and food and a few weapons, friend of mine wants to start new tonight, just kinda looking for a good soul that will take my gear and use it wisely and not waste it.
  3. would like to be on a server with this mentality
  4. Sifern

    Banned from FR50

    yeah i would say that screen shot looks suspicious.i tend to have about 30 zombie kills before i even find a player