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Padre Kevin

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Everything posted by Padre Kevin

  1. Padre Kevin

    Looking for a couple of people to play DayZ Origins with.

    Hello! I've recently started playing DayZ again after a half year hiatus because of the giant flood of hackers at the time. Now that they aren't as prevalent I've decided to crawl out of my hole, into another one named this damn game. I just started playing around in origins but never survived long enough to make any real progress alone so I am still new to it's features. I usually play chaotic in Dayz. I could help a stranger one minute, and then straight up murder a group the next. It all depends on the loot and if the said people in question where ass's or not. What is there to say about me? Not much, I let bygones be bygones and don't ask questions & expect the same. With that being said I am still a laid back person with a black sense of humor that enjoys video games. I want to play as much DayZ possible before I college starts, but being a lone wolf isn't going to cut it anymore. I like raidcall, less backgrounds noise then skype, but am open to other voice chat methonds. Add me on steam: Padre_death (Señor Padre)
  2. Padre Kevin

    Looking for DayZ Overwatch Partner 15+

    Depends what you want to do, just go around killing people or take it a step further and torture them?
  3. Still lookin' for people?
  4. Padre Kevin

    RP-Esque, Small Survivor Group

    Yes, I will enjoy joining up with you and other people. Also, about not getting the best loot is okay with me considering I get killed a lot. I've learned having more ammo of a lower tier gun is better then an m16 scoped with just half a clip left in the gun. My goal is to have fun and last longer then 35minutes without hiding in a ditch waiting to bleed out because of a broken leg.
  5. Best loot I got was and m16 with a few mags, I was so giddy because I got it off some random dead guy in a barn in the butt-fuck of nowhere. Then as I walked down the barn's steps my toon' fell 2ft near the end and broke her leg and passed out. She ended up bleeding to death in 2 minutes....damn shame.
  6. Padre Kevin

    Duo/Trio Survival Team

    I'll join, this game has thought me over and over that I need some one watching my back. Got a mic skype/vent/mumble/etc.
  7. Padre Kevin

    Looking for friends!

    PM me if you want to team up and loot stuffs. Need someone to watch my back, Dark Lord Cthulhu knows it's been shoot many a times.
  8. Padre Kevin

    RP-Esque, Small Survivor Group

    I started playing not to long ago, doing the whole lone wolf thing is fun but not without some drawbacks. I am looking for some trust-worthy people to watch my back, and I will do the same for them. I am tired of being taken advantage of by bigger groups just because of raw fire power. I'm down with doing some accurate raiding and killing. (To those that shoot first of course.)