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Everything posted by Jvnels

  1. Jvnels

    DayZ Stories

    This is my first story here... So I start out on the beach near Balota airstrip and make my way to the military camp. It is loaded with zeds and I have nothing to deal with them so I skip over it and keep going to the airstrip. I go around in the treeline until I'm just behind the air control tower and sneak my way into it. Amazingly nobody had been a barbedwire fag and sealed it off. Once inside I look behind the stairs and find a can of beans and two cans of pepsi, not bad atleast I'll survive an hour. Once I go up the first floor I find an M16M203 with 3 clips. Now I feel ready to make my way to elektro but since I am here I might as well search the rest of the place. On the next floor there is another m16 with 2 more clips, now we're talking. I leave the control tower with my weapon and quickly run to the first hanger amazingly not attracting any zeds. Inside I find one more clip and a PDW with one mag. I'm starting to feel pretty confident now and just run to the next hanger attracting a few zeds but I just keep running. I do a quick pass through the hanger and see nothing of value. I kill off the pursuing zeds and make my way out of the airstrip. After leaving the airstrip I walk through the woods for a long time hitting up a couple barns along the way. I manage to get a hatchet, knife and some more beans and soda. I soon come to the edge of the woods next to cherno. Well fuck that place I'm not about to go in and get killed right away so I go around the edge of the woods to the west side of cherno. I'm in the treeline near the beach and I see a new player crouch walking across towards me. I run out to greet him and his player name is Julie. I drop a frag grenade I had found to give to him as a gesture of good faith. He thanks me and as I'm about to leave I hear a gunshot and see the dirt kick up next to me. I run for the treeline while shots are snapping all around my feet. This guy is not a good shot and misses every time. Once in the trees I hide behind a rock and pull out my m16 hoping the guy comes looking for me so I can ambush him. Well I soon see a person walking to my right and hide behind another rock. I assume it is the man shooting at me and start firing at him. He goes down and I'm surprised no zeds heard the shots. I foolishly run right to the body and start to loot it. He also had an m16, but before I could take anything I get shot. Somehow I'm still standing and run back to my original rock and take cover. I look out near the beach where the shot came from and see some zeds running towards someone. I run parallel to him in the treeline and see him crouch and start shooting at the zeds. I see that he has some sort of very loud sniper. I want it. I pretty much just bum rush right at him as he is still fighting the zeds. He sees me and ignoring the zombies starts to aim at me. I fire and so does he, but since I was moving sideways the whole time he misses and so do I. I stop and just take a chance hoping I'll kill him first and just stand still and open fire. He goes down and the zeds hop on his body and start munching. I dispatch the zombies and loot the body. ALICE pack, morphine, bloodbags, bandages, beans glorious beans, soda and almost a full toolbelt. And then there it is. The DMR with 6 or seven clips. I boner and take my new found treasure and run to the woods to live as a wildman from now on. That was my first true firefight and my biggest loot haul. Very fun day