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About sleksa

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. sleksa

    LU115 Zelenogorsk firefight

    From what I heard it was a glorious battle, too bad I logged off moments before. What started out as a simple ambush escalated into a 30 minute long firefight with 2 of our group left standing, and the whole opposition wiped out. Definately a fraps-worthy day for all involved. And like DayWalkeR said, thanks for not abusing disconnect, we'd already had a group of 6 disconnect earlier when we caught them in the open field, along with various solo players disconnecting at the first sound of a weapon being fired, breaks the immersion and adds to the frustration :(
  2. Getting the same problem straight after applying the patch, haven't been able to actually get ingame on any server so far. I used sixupdater, with beta patch, without beta patch , but it still gets stuck on the same place.