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Posts posted by Dantheman221

  1. You guys do understand that he's putting in a lot more than just graphical fixes right? :) I heard that soon enough, bandit and hero faces MIGHT be brought into play again! Be patient! A lot of other huge industries take months to release a patch! Rocket is also probably testing the update himself right now before he releases it. Maybe something didn't exactly go as planned?

    In other words, keep waiting, wont take too much longer!

  2. Seems kind of strange that your members are AFK and not disconnect from the server but, when we engage them, they start to disconnect? No matter what you might have heard, I've seen different with my own character.

    I hear a fellow member in desperate need of help at base, I give him a bloodbag, I get shot and die, member shoots my killer and then kills another player (seemingly unrelated to your clan)

    We do not want conflict but, Harry put as much gear as the truck can fit into it (some items fell out of the truck) and started to drive away. What other options do we have? Dont tell us that he was "AFK" because I know he wasn't. I do not want to accuse anyone of lying but, someone is holding out the truth and it is not us.

  3. Just curious, what if a survivor, or a group, fires on yours first but simply out of reflex? Like a knee-jerk reaction to you guys suddenly appearing near them, and a firefight ensues. If you identified yourselves and they stopped firing, would you still help them/send them on their way? Even if one or two of your number were killed? It just seems to me that these kind of accidental shootouts could happen alot in this environment. I myself am pretty jumpy and on edge when faced with other survivors, and I'd hate to accidentally take a shot at you guys and be killed/hurt when I tried to apologize.

    I have been previously shot by team members because of the way we communicated. We have seemed to work out this issue and haven't mistaken our own for someone else. The main thing is to have a mic and join the teamspeak while you are playing!

    If you are talking about us meeting other groups, we have no other option but to fire back if something goes down. Of course, this is my point of view; some other members may think differently. We open fire only after their first shot, most of the time, at least... :)

  4. Can someone help me

    Download the battleye DLL for the beta and put it into your beta folder named battleye. This is, ofcourse if you have the new beta installed. If not, type "arma 2 beta" into google and download and install the latest one. Its on this green bar in the top middle corner to the left.

  5. Profile Name: Dantheman221

    Player ID (Not SteamID): 4675204

    Why do you wish to join the Militia: I want to help others survive but everytime I try to help someone, that person shoots me in the head!

    What can you offer the Militia: Excelent English and Russian, I know how to fly the Venom(almost perfectly), good spoting skills, I always carry an extra can of

    :beans: !

    Are you a team player: I'm a team player and will listen to almost any command my superior gives me!

    Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Already lost my gear more than once, doesn't even frustrate me.

    Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: No.

    Extra Information: Currently live in Ukraine but moving back to the US in a month or so. Cant wait to help out others and finally not worry about being alone in the wasteland and having someone watch my back! :)

    Also, currently well stocked with meds, beans, coke and guns to share!
