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About Gradan

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. The problem is as an old one you can't mix PVE content with PVP and satisfy everyone. People who say zombies are not a threat now, don't deal with them alone (no other players in town, which bugs them out) or stay away from them. Every player knows that every zombie, which hits you could be your death (knock out-> blood loss legs broke). At the current state of the mod you are not really forced to go into town once you have certain stuff. I think making food much rarer as well as animal spawns, increased hunger would force people to go to town and force them to deal with zombies. In standalone with the improved pathfinding, when the zombies horde see you yo will be dead if you proceed to try to loot in town and no tools are given vs. the zombie threat. There is no solution to playerkilling. You can enable or disable it, that's the only way to deal with it, if you really want to.
  2. Microsoft hasn't been punished yet, for not giving upward compability with the direct-x and related things? For their Internet Explorer they have paid hundreds of Millions.... Why Windows XP users are not allowed to install higher DirectX versions and related upgrades to make it run? Is it technically not possible? Wait some time and Windows 7 users will be forced to get windows 8 +, if they want to play new games and use new programs etc. My Windows 7 is only 2 years old. Only reason I see for not giving software upwards compability is hardware evolution to the point, where the os itself would not be able to run with new cpu's and other technologies.
  3. shit is getting serious folks! Thats sound like real shit. What loot will this bots have? It sound like a legit way to dupe stuff with your friends..
  4. Interesting would be the number of not cheating players vs cheaters, aswell. The number of undetected cheaters could be pretty high.
  5. "Bullshit. My server is almost always at full capacity and my vehicles .... If you are hosting a official public dayz server. Read the rules. And don't wonder if your server get black listed on the hive. Abusive admins are pests like the scripters aswell. Lock your server and make it private, when you want to have full control over your assets on it. I hope that dayz standalone will be hosted by Bohemia Interactive only.
  6. Gradan

    Lee Enfield or Double Barrel?

    When you have a pistol to kill Infected, you can decide to carry the enfield for longrange or shotgun for shortrange and faster shooting.
  7. Gradan

    Random broken bones?

    When you are crawling in buildings especially certain doorways or near walls 2 things can lead to 1 glitching: breaking your legs get in shock, bleeding, getting unc. You can be shot in a bodypart, when it sticks out of the ground/wall.
  8. Gradan

    New player, always running into snipers.

    From your story I think you were victim of a cheater, who knows the position of every player on the server and teleports near them in sniper range to shoot them. Try to find a good private server, where the admins do their job and don't abuse their powers towards their clan or playergroups liking. BIS seems not be able to put a option to disable certain remote execute scripts commands... No legit players should play public anymore. Then the cheaters and try to snipe each other in godmone on and yell at each other fucking hackers...
  9. Gradan

    So, when can we expect a real helpful update?

  10. Gradan

    DayZ - Low FPS since 4 Days

    Try to set your sceneComplexity lower like to 100000. This setting can be found in my documents in Arma 2 other Profiles\Charactername\Charactername.ArmA2OAProfile Open this file with a texteditor and search the entry, edit save, done. Good luck.
  11. Gradan

    I'm seriously done.

    Fixed ;) 1. rule for server-client multiplayer games: Don't trust the client. 2. rule Don't trust the client at all. 3. rule looop 1,2. 4. rule only you as company host or run the servers. Bohemia Interactive choosed to trust the client and let players run servers. Arma 3 will be destroyed by scripters aswell if nothing changes.
  12. Gradan

    Alt+F4 whores

    You know why it is good to be able to log out? Invulnerable skripters get really mad. That's a good reason :P I don't care about alt-f4 'ing players. There are enough around who can't get out fast enough.
  13. Gradan

    Why is there no punching in the game?

    Because ARMA is a military simulation where soldiers can't jump, climb on trees or use a knife and get killed by doors.
  14. Anyone with a half brain can guess what happens when there are players on a locked "clan server". You can can see this all time. Read the forums and you can read between the lines why clans rent a server.
  15. That's not generaly correct. Zombies still kill players, experienced,too. 1 certain hit you are knocked out for a very long time and get eaten alive. That happens quite often when you are enganging them. It's gamebreaking cause you can't do anything vs. that except totaly avoid getting hit. And avoiding them makes the game boring, too ;) This happens to me on a regular basis, because I scavange a lot. The scripters are indeed why a lot of adult players just skip the game not wanting to deal with skript users. This cheaters leave the game aswell, when they have no one to shoot anymore.