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About tbartoli13@iskl.edu.my

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. tbartoli13@iskl.edu.my

    There are jets and aeroplanes

    Well since Rocket wants to implement a skill system into the game, maybe flying could be one? It could be super hard to get a jet together, but it just gives a really hard "end game" possibility for those who get bored by having everything!
  2. tbartoli13@iskl.edu.my

    There are jets and aeroplanes

    in real life airports but not in the game, do you think these modes of fast transpo will ever be added if the map gets enlarged?
  3. tbartoli13@iskl.edu.my

    Spawned in and all my tools are gone, backpack is gone, weapons gone?

    Very depressing, losing hours of work.
  4. tbartoli13@iskl.edu.my

    Spawned in and all my tools are gone, backpack is gone, weapons gone?

    OH MY GOD -_- I shrugged all my lost gear off and found a heli crash site, picked up the DMR and M14 and NVGs and went towards Stary to get some tools again... Logged out to post this thing and when I went back on my new stuff is gone as well.. F
  5. Why did this happen? Is there a way of getting my stuff back? I still have my ammo and painkillers that were in the main inventory box, as well as my sidearm ammo.
  6. For some reason Steam isn't letting me search people! If its letting you, could you add me? moneymanmonster Thank you!
  7. I will add you right now! :) I am moneymanmonster
  8. tbartoli13@iskl.edu.my

    Looking for a partner/partners in Singaporean/Japanese servers?

    True :P *I am from France, I moved to South East Asia when I was 3 years old and attended an International School. so I guess I have an American accent since there's lots of americans here?
  9. I speak english perfectly with no accent, My play style is mostly survivor but I sometimes turn to banditry when I want someones shiny toy or when I feel mean/scared/provoked. Post here with your skype if you're interested!
  10. Because they are weaker than the AKM/Lee Enfield/M14 and those one shot kill guns? What is the point of having an automatic weapon in DayZ?
  11. Yeah you could write creepy messages on the walls with spray paint.
  12. tbartoli13@iskl.edu.my

    My most terrifying Day Z experience: Meeting my Doppelganger

    It solves the problem of losing everything when you put camo or ghillie on - just loot your double!
  13. tbartoli13@iskl.edu.my

    Killed by 2 guys I played with for over three hours

    It really is a doggydog world (modern family reference).
  14. tbartoli13@iskl.edu.my

    The one thing i hate about Dayz

    I think its fine because a lot can happen while you run from one place to another.. actually when I think of it, MOST things happen during the journey rather than when you actually reach the destination! I wish the map was BIGGER, so it took like 5 hours to go from one side to the other! That way migration would be slower.
  15. tbartoli13@iskl.edu.my

    Reducing accuracy drastically

    I don't think you understood what I was saying. I didn't say it was too hard to do that, I said it was too easy. So you are strolling around and you just die from someone super far away with one shot. Kinda sad? It's just my opinion. I'm not trying to whine about cheap deaths but its just my opinion.