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Everything posted by c.chris.perry@gmail.com

  1. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Player kill registration removal

  2. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Player kill registration removal

  3. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Player kill registration removal

    Kill messages are part of the difficulty files, which are up to the server owners discretion to change. That's why you can have 3rd person on/off servers, crosshair on/off servers, etc.
  4. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Player kill registration removal

    As I said, the way to remove this is to just ask your server admin (Find a server you like, and stick with it) to set: DeathMessages=0; In their difficulty profiles.
  5. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Player kill registration removal

    Kill messages are a setting within difficulty files, individual server hosts can turn them on or off.
  6. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Amount of bandits on each server now

    You wouldn't get shot if you were more careful. Scout the area you are going to from a distance, binoculars are one of the most powerful items in the game. Watch chat to see if there is any activity in the area. The only reason you die is because you make tactical mistakes. Slow your game down, and think about every single step, and movement you make.
  7. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Disregard - Method to claim an area

    Edit: Guess I didn't look hard enough, disregard. I looked through the first ~5 pages of this forum, but wasn't able to find a suggestion similar: There have been many ideas about how to make it so that you can hold a town, but the zombie/player spawns makes this difficult. My idea is an extremely rare item, that perhaps emits a frequency that zombies are repelled from, making it so that you can set it up in the center of a town or camp or something, and in a certain radius (make it big or small, 100-200m even), no zombies will spawn. This will make it so that groups can claim settlements against zombies.
  8. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Timezone/Day clarification

  9. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    I'll share as long as you take all of the operating costs (So much use = tons of gas and repairs). And on top of that, if you really want to use your car, to go to work or something, and I'm in the middle of using it? Well, your shit out of luck, NO ONE ASKED YOU TO BUY A CAR, you just wanted to support this new driving craze that everyone got into. All you have to do to use YOUR car is wait. I can just go hop on the hundreds of other cars that people are loaning out, because I don't really care what kind of car I drive, but you obviously like this Subaru that you let me use right now. Why else would you buy it and customize it the way you want? I didn't realize how great this analogy is.
  10. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Request: Allow Bans for Death Dodgers

    The above posts are the biggest reason I want to be expressly allowed to ban for this reason. If I am able to ban people for this, I can build a community of people who respect the game, and the fact that it is unforgiving when you make mistakes. Luckily we already have a decent group of regulars who are great to play with. We even have a group of survivors we regularly get into firefights with and chat about them after, basically the good game handshake of DayZ. Allowing us to ban for game breaking behavior will allow us to build communities around servers.
  11. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Mid-Combat Disconnection Hammer [URGENT]

    It benefits anyone trying to kill another player. It's exploiting the system to avoid a death that you deserved. If you put yourself into the tactical position, where logging out is the only way you will stay alive, well sucks to be you. Even with the new force saving you can just Alt+f4 anytime someone looks at you strange and you end up on another server ready to go, even if you've been shot, that person shooting you has no idea what server you went to, and odds are you just bandage up and keep on going on your carebear way.
  12. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    The moderator agrees with it. And as a server owner' date=' I'd happily do the ban myself unless told otherwise by the Dev Team. [/quote'] Ya, as I said in the thread, I'm really hesitant to ban anyone without express permission from an admin. I don't want to ban someone, get them all pissy and have them post on the forums, and seeing how harsh they have been with rule enforcement, that one post would probably result in my server getting banned (As it says in the op here, if you don't follow the rules exactly, which say to only ban for abusive language etc, you will get IP banned instantly).
  13. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    Can I get an admin to confirm/deny that I can ban based on this post: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4938
  14. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Hive issues right now?

    I just restarted my server twice, both times the server filled up, but hive (and hiveauth) never did anything besides the initial connect it does on launch. Something going on?
  15. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Hive issues right now?

    Anyone have any ideas on this?
  16. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Pretty crazy zombie respawn timer, but I'm liking the temp system, definitely gives me and my bandit pals a new reason to kill survivors, gotta get those meds and wood :) First impressions were low for this patch, but after a couple hours of play I'm loving it.
  17. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Hive issues right now?

    Okay, I have found a workaround, (Jim helped inadvertently, didn't actually fix the ongoing issue, but thanks a TON for the help). What my procedure currently is, is: 1. Start hiveauth 2. Start hive 3. Start DayZ server. I now have to wait a few minutes for people to get in and start the mission. They will now sit on waiting for server response until I restart hiveauth and hive again. Then things go to normal and work fine. Any advice?
  18. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    [SLC 1] [CLOSED]

    After a hiccup earlier, SLC 1 Is chugging along running! Enjoy everyone!
  19. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Request: Allow Bans for Death Dodgers

    Ya, I'm just hesitant to start banning people without express permission, because they would just come bitch on here and boom, servers gone.
  20. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Build Hotfix

    I can't seem to update my install... trying to install over sixupdater, and it isn't working. Clarification: I'm trying to update my install, on top of the update that six updater did for