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Everything posted by c.chris.perry@gmail.com

  1. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Rocket, please re-enable Side Chat and do this instead

    Not in rocket's power, the code implemented within the ARMA system disables channels, not individual pieces of channels.
  2. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    What is the Beta Patch?

    Patches released by BIS that patch ARMA 2 and OA' date=' they are beta because they aren't full releases yet Many of the recent beta patches have been DayZ focused, adding line-of-sight stuff, fixing TONS of netcode/server stability issues, etc Read 2. Probably not' date=' looks like the next update, 1.7.1 requires it, as it seems to fix zombie line-of-sight issues, which are features only included in the beta patches. It is beta because the features are still being tested, and BIS isn't ready to make it a full release, they must have new features they are still working on, slated for release with the final patch, and they are rolling out the ones that they are finished with to be tested. Yes' date=' it doesn't even modify your current installation, just adds a separate beta folder with the updated files. I've never had these issues, odds are they are usually because of server desync, or someone running 1.7 w/o the beta patch.
  3. c.chris.perry@gmail.com


    Updated to latest beta today, had been afk doing some other things than dayz the last few days.
  4. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    PDW vs. GLOCK 17

  5. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    PDW vs. GLOCK 17

    They have exactly the same stopping power, as they use the same ammo. Damage in ARMA is based on ammo, not the gun.
  6. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    PDW vs. GLOCK 17

    PDW, Far more ammo to chose from, you can even load mp5 mags into it.
  7. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Server Hosting quick FAQ

  8. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Been explained like 10 times in this thread. Mocap = Motion capture, I.E. how you get animations to look realistic.
  9. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Server "Creating".

    Did you rent a server from one of the DayZ server providers(Jonnerz, HFB, etc)? Basically you need a mission file from the devs, either the provider will have the correct id, or you need to get in line for one with the dev team.
  10. c.chris.perry@gmail.com


    Eh, macros are messy and I personally don't want to rely on them. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to give 5 minute warnings most of the time, unless it's an emergency restart (zombies not spawning, etc).
  11. c.chris.perry@gmail.com


  12. c.chris.perry@gmail.com


    http://picacid.com/arma2/loot_en.html That will tell you where everything spawns. Looks like maps have a chance to spawn almost anywhere.
  13. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Clans in Dayz?

    I feel like clans are already an integral part of the game. You don't need a system to allow for cooperation, you just do it. My group already runs around with between 5-15 of us on mumble, coordinating what we are doing and hanging out. And we do that without a structured in game system. We do it how you would do it in real life, by simply forming up as a group, and going for it. The reward is that we have more security when we loot places, we are able to completely lock down a town or city (No one entered cherno for about 4 hours the other night until we got bored), we have tent camps that are hidden and protected. Upgrades are gained through cooperation already, you get 1 more tent, because you worked together to go and find one.
  14. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Veteran + 3DP server list

    SLC 1 Veteran, 3rd person on, no crosshairs, map markers on.
  15. So the monitor doesn't seem to be auto-restarting the server for some reason. Here's my config string: workingdirectory=C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2&parameters=-mod=EXPANSION;ca;@dayz;@CBA;@JayArma2Lib -name=cfgdayz -config=cfgdayz\server.cfg -cfg=cfgdayz\arma2.cfg -profiles=cfgdayz -world=Chernarus&servercheckinterval=30000&livelog=1&hri=14400000&sri=14400000&becrestart=0&becpath=Nothing&becname=Nothing&end=This is the end of the config!
  16. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Frequently server restarts - allowed?

    I restart my server very often. I try to keep it to a 3-4 hour schedule, but sometimes it crashes, or something bugs and nothing spawns, so I just restart it early. I have also noticed that every once in a while the game time will completely not sync with the server time, but it is fixed after the next restart. Restarting is required to keep the servers stable, and my regulars actually appreciate the frequent restarts, because they only take 30 seconds, and it improves gameplay by orders of magnitude. Why does anything a server admin do have to be questioned whether it is allowed? Most of us are more invested in improving our players experiences, instead of trying to cheat. Just because we shut the server down, or auto-lock it for flood control, doesn't mean we are trying to do anything malicious...
  17. Okay, I've made posts and threads about this, still haven't gotten a straight yes or no. People who Disconnect as soon as they get into a PVP engagement are, in my eyes, cheating, as this defeats the purpose of a game that is supposed to be unforgiving. If someone makes a mistake and ends up being shot at, they shouldn't be able to just Alt+F4. Now, I know that this is probably impossible to fix within the game itself, but as a server admin we can attempt to fix this by banning them from our servers, and encouraging honest players to use them. So, can I ban someone who is with reasonable proof, shown to have dodged death by disconnecting on my server?
  18. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Day Z Youtube Series - Bandit Acts/Fire Fights/Day Z Questions

    Hey Acebane! Just found this thread! I love the videos and am glad to see you repping SLC 1! We should organize some S6-HA firefights. Just schedule a time to be in some town and go at it.
  19. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Remove the "John Doe was killed" mention in the chat

    It's an ARMA 2 setting set within the difficulty settings. These are set server side. I'm sure there is a way for rocket to suppress/force the setting, but as it stands, it is something easily turned on or off via the server config.
  20. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    Request: Allow Bans for Death Dodgers

    I would like us to be able to ban people who dodge deaths by logging out while being shot/running away from players. It's exploiting the system, they are using the logout mechanic to dodge a player death. I don't care about bugged zombies or whatever, but if someone is caught simply logging out to avoid a player death I should be able to ban them from my server.
  21. This is the target for the shortcut I have set for BEC: C:\BEC\Bec.exe -f Config.cfg for reference
  22. Bec seems to not be loading the config file required with the command line args . maybe allow it to have an argument string as well. this should solve the opening and closing of Bec. Bec shuts itself down when there isn't a config file to load.
  23. c.chris.perry@gmail.com

    [Idea] Server Admin Forum/Mailing List

    With the recent issue of some people not realizing that hive needed to be updated, or even where to get the files. Might it be beneficial to set up a private Server Admin forum, or a mailing list for Server Admins that would allow the devs to contact all of them at once with important information?