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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. This will make those stories more intense. Being able to trust someone won't be based on a skin, it will be based on what you would have in real life. Their word. Just because you are scared of the big bad bandits doesn't mean that you need to write a page about how this destroys the game. This makes the game into what it was meant to be, a truly sandbox game, where you had no idea what was around the next corner, or if that person looking at you on the next hill is going to shoot you, or shout out for help. And as I said in another post. The current system doesn't even really work, because it's extremely easy to game the humanity system. Just get a buddy, shoot him, and transfuse him, boom humanity. This will allow players to decide whether they want to display their intentions (selectable bandit skins or whatever).
  2. The thing about survivors using it to cooperate. I could just go give a few blood transfusions (shoot a buddy in the leg, transfuse, repeat) and get my survivor skin back, and all you trusting carebears would let me walk right up because I have a "survivor" skin on. Be real guys, the skins don't tell you who is going to be nice, they just sometimes tell you who's going to be mean.
  3. This is a flawed system' date=' a players motivations should be as simple as looking at what skin he has. Same as above. Or you could just venture into cities to get blood packs to... I don't know, heal a buddy? I run with a group of only bandits and we try to keep our humanity as negative as possible, yet we always carry as many blood packs as possible.
  4. Most of us are US players, but if you are a euro and think you can get on when we are on feel free to apply.
  5. Well, I'll lay off. I really looked past how much effort you, rocket, put into this... I don't know how I forgot how to be grateful. I guess my only request now, is if my clan's request to get the server set up can get finished, because as of right now we are paying money for a server we can't use :/ We tried to do the whole apply beforehand, and were told to get back to them when we actually had the server. Now we have the server and we are getting ignored. We WANT to help the community (I guess I'll just be spamming enter), but can't.
  6. Okay, I'll address one of his points: - We have only a finite amount of resources on the central server. The impact of a server with five players is about the same as the impact of a server with 50 players as the connection is left open. So we prioritize those servers who allow the maximum amount of players. How does this make not allowing people to kick players a bad thing. If a server admin has to kick someone to let his clanmate in, then the server is already at capacity, and will stay that way. The other issues seem to be an issue of manpower, which can easily be resolved by the fact that there are thousands of people trying to help out. Maybe rocket/dev team should continue to bring more people on to help out. Honestly, until there are reserve slots, there NEEDS to be a way for server admins to have some sort of control over who gets onto their servers. I don't care if you have also paid for a server, that server admin is paying for that hardware that is hosting your game, they aren't cheap either. You guys are getting upset over kicking people, when there are MUCH larger host abuse issues (i.e. Chicago 3 making all vehicles explode randomly and then BLASTING music that can't be muted as it isn't someone chatting, it's just the admin abusing the hell out his power) that apparently can't even be dealt with. Kicking people to get a buddy on the server should be the last priority of who gets dropped for servers. That doesn't work, they won't give you info unless you already have the server.
  7. I don't get it, what is the incentive to pay hundreds of dollars a month if you can't even play with your friends when you want to? Either get reserve slots or allow kicking of high ping players when a clanmante wants to join. I mean, it's already hard enough to even get the code to host the game. People are sitting there hemorrhaging real life money to host a game, when they were told all they had to do was buy a server, set it up and give the rdp info to DayZ, yet DayZ just ignores them and they are out money. The goodwill of server owners is going to run out pretty quick, there hasn't even been enough time to get a few cycles on the payments they are making. I feel like when these hosts start realizing that they are paying all this money for no benefit, onlyto be told they can't control THEIR server, you are going to start losing servers quickly.
  8. If a clan pays for a server, I feel like they should be able to kick people for the clan mates to get on. Or at least allow for reserve slots...
  9. :( I can't compete with an automated system... Automate stuff so you dont have to work :heart: Ya, I'm at work so the only coding I can really do is the coding for work...
  10. :( I can't compete with an automated system...
  11. Closed? A clan has declared war upon another clan. This is a new feature' date=' that PL has decided to implement by themselves. Now you know that they'll be hunting [Legion'] Tagged players.
  12. I'd comply if I were [Legion], I've had to deal with PL in EVE, and I know that if they play DayZ like they play Eve, every single [Legion] member will want to kill themselves as soon as this dec goes into effect.
  13. One important update, because I feel it's significant. As of 2:30 PM Eastern US today, the total unique users has increased by over 1500 users. An increase of 2.71% from this morning, at 8:30 AM Eastern US
  14. I put this spreadsheet/chart together today out of curiosity. I wanted to see how fast DayZ grew in a single day. I'm updating it every 15 minutes till I leave work at ~5PM.
  15. You sound mad. This is a sandbox video game. If espionage is your method of getting ahead, go for it. I hope you never go near Eve Online, this stuff is encouraged there.
  16. There is a forum, just for suggestions.
  17. At this time, those two are the only skins in game. I think rocket is working on adding more.
  18. Scumbag Server Admin: Host game where you can kill/get killed by anyone Kick people who kill you.
  19. I'm trying to find a server provider so that I can set up a DayZ server. Preferably in the North-East US, NY is probably best. Host Altitude seems to be out of their lower cost Dedicated servers, was wondering if there are any other places. Thanks for any direction!