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Lito (DayZ)

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About Lito (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Lito (DayZ)

    U.F.O crash sites

    The amount of stupidity is too damn high with this one...
  2. Lito (DayZ)

    Burning Heli Crashesw

    Maybe graphic settings?
  3. Lito (DayZ)

    What Desktop should i buy? PLEASE REPLY

    I would prefer a intel cpu and a better videocard, that one isn't really for top of the line gaming.
  4. Lito (DayZ)

    Too much complaining about 3rd person view

    You do know CoD is FPS, don't you? So your opinion is invalid.
  5. Lito (DayZ)

    A lone wolf starts to feel too lonely.

    Wtf? I will explain what the fuck. Why do you need a random stranger guy from forum if you can play with your own friends, the ones you know IRL. Explain that to me.. I am just mildly confused about your request for company.
  6. Lito (DayZ)

    A lone wolf starts to feel too lonely.

    I know how to die, do I suffice? Don't you have any friends that play DayZ? Or any friends at all? If we look at the creepy first part of your wall of text, then no wonder... And no one should like 9gag. If anyone does, go fuck yourself. (:
  7. Lito (DayZ)

    Hacker Report Server US #101

    Better NOT hold on the hacked items, you can get banned yourself...
  8. Lito (DayZ)

    Can I be a cow in the game?

    You will be eaten sooner or later. There is no escape from survivors who want bacon.
  9. Lito (DayZ)

    Czech pouch has a use!

    Expanding the pistol inventory by ~3 slots would be nice. :)
  10. Lito (DayZ)

    HELP need blood transfusion/advice

    True that. ^ But it is still a good idea to team up with at least one guy, for example the upper mentioned blood transfusion and looting. Clearing building will be much easier, looting too, as one guy can cover entrance while you search for loot. However you can perfectly live alone, just get some meat in your bag asap, you never know when some zed will strike you or some new player go all Rambo with a makarov.
  11. Lito (DayZ)

    More hospitals?

    It think adding a couple of medic tents in some small towns would be smarter. Of course, no military loot in them, just medic stuff. Just give them tents a smaller chance to spawn the good stuff, like blood bags and stuff and we are good to go.
  12. Lito (DayZ)

    Random ideas to improve this great game!

    The whole character customization has already been planned, but there are a lot of limitations from the games engine and the impact on server performance.
  13. It is some sort of bug. You should read forum more often, it dissapears 99% of the times you log out/leave.
  14. Lito (DayZ)

    I SEE My Killer

    Sad that there aren't any stories with screenshots, can't view youtube vids at work. :(
  15. I Hate When People Write With All First Letters In Caps, Pisses Me Off. hehe :rolleyes: