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About zazzaro703

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  1. zazzaro703

    Still think this is a good game?

    My guess is they are nailing down the core concepts before they move on to stuff like base building. I'm not quite sure you understand game development and pre alpha builds. There has to be a foundation first to build off of.
  2. zazzaro703

    Why DayZ will fail as a standalone game

    I think it's funny some of the main gripes of the mod (hacking, zombie animations & AI) you point out as being a waste of time or not really features. I'm glad this is what they are working on as knowing how to lose the zombies by running into a building and then getting aimbot killed on the way out, ported to thunderdome or killed by a flying chicken is what was ruining the game for me at least and why I stopped playing. They are only working towards alpha release anyways. Plus, didnt Rocket say that the majority of the work going on right now is the recoding for the server/client model for anti-hack so his leadership isn't really needed right now (oh and by the way if I had a chance to climb Everest and it was one of my dreams you better believe I'd go). I'd be more alarmed if by December of this year it's still not out or the alpha is out and there is no road map.... Which reminds me of something. Having played WarZ from launch (it actually was fun for a few months for me at least) Rocket should absolutely kept his mouth shut about upcoming features. Anything he says mysteriously ends up as a poorly implemented feature in WarZ.
  3. I have sort of a noob question. I can't quite get DayZ to work with Steam. For some reason if I run combined operations off steam, 90 percent of servers come back with red Xs and my version isn't the same. If I run off six launcher, exit the game and go to multiplayer, all servers are fine. What am I doing wrong here. Been playing for 2 months without steam. I stopped playing because I was mainly lone wolfing. Never even attempted the fun stuff like cars and would be much much easier if i could use steam. Hopefully I get this worked out and see you all soon. I can give more info like version numbers when I get home from work.
  4. zazzaro703

    Global Bans for legit players?

    I have a question. I haven't modified anything to do with DayZ other than what the instructions said to get it to launch (moving the torrent files to dayZ/addons. No edits for graphics, to fix the artifacts, nothing. Am I safe to get the patch or should I just wait. I ask because it seems out of the 100s of outcries, surely a few people must of gotten banned for no reason right?
  5. Rocket launched this genre of survival horror, for that alone his company already got my money for Arma II and OA which I've opened exactly once like the instructions said lol. Rocket will get my money when the standalone comes out no matter what state the game is in (I'm sure it will be good). Look forward to testing all the alpha builds along the way. Congrats Rocket you certainly deserve it.
  6. Hello Everyone, So i bought Arma 2 and Arrowhead. I loaded both of them up once. I got the Six Updater and Launcer and ran them both. Added the @dayz folder and addons. I then went into steam and added the -mod=@dayz. My problems are when i try to run off steam im running version 1.60 and get a lot of Xs where the games are and disconnects. When i try to run thru the Six Launcher, i get kicked from all the games. What am i doing wrong and can anyone be kind enough to help me out or point me in the right direction? Edit: I am also running the combined operations when loading through steam.
  7. So i just bought Arma 2 and installed everything, and now am on the Six Launcher part. I go to install the game and it zooms along at 3mb/s until around 80percent then slows down to 10kb/s. Do i have something setup wrong?