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About terrybaldock@hotmail.co.uk

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    On the Coast
  1. terrybaldock@hotmail.co.uk

    Infected Aggro Radius

    I'm getting this too, zombies that I cant see are seeing me, from very large distances. Whilst crouched walking/still. Its making the game un-navigable in many cases. When raiding Balota Airstrip a few patches back, the main concern would be checking for other players, not zombies spotting you on the top floor of the coms-tower and charging across the airstrip at you. I think that now the risk/reward factor is completely out of balance, The risk of going anywhere, far outweighs the rewards of going there. Small towns are a complete no go now, as there is very rarely anything that will be worth the 1000+ blood im likely to loose as its impossible to sneak your way through the town without a few zeds charging at you from miles away. Its also meant to be a fun game, and therefore have some intelligently thought out game mechanics. Sure, if the devs make it super realistic, there will be 10x the zombies wandering around and they will charge at you in hordes from 100s of feet away, but that will make the rewards of playing the game too low to maintain anything but an extremely hardcore fan-base. IMO, From a game design standpoint, Zeds need to be more of an obstacle than a direct threat, and I think that's what they are meant to be, hence me thinking this is a bug/some numbers that are slightly wrong.