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Everything posted by Burn!

  1. Wir hatten heute doch schon so einen Thread der genau mit genau dem selben Kauderwelsch eingeleitet wurde, oder irre ich mich? Egal. ;) Kann PalOne sonst nur voll und ganz zustimmen. Ein Tipp: versuche nicht gleich einfach auf gut Glück in den erstbesten Clan aufgenommen zu werden. Schau dir die Leute erst an, zock mit ihnen zusammen im TS o.ä. und mach dich bekannt. Wenn du mit den Leuten klar kommst und sie gerne mit dir spielen, ist das Alter kein Faktor mehr. Genau so habe ich es vor knapp 7 Jahren, als ich 16 war, auch gemacht und bin immer noch glücklich in meinem "Verein". :) Also, ich drück dir die Daumen, Knoxer. Ein bisschen "Stilbewusstsein"* kann auch nicht schaden, indem du (natürlich nicht zu sehr) versuchst, dich von Gleichaltrigen abzusetzen indem du dich zivilisiert gibst. Aber das scheinst du ja drauf zu haben. Viel Glück! *oder auch: Arroganz :D
  2. Burn!

    Fun times.

    Kinda funny how every time I see one of those videos, it's packed with loony laughter coming from pubescent players.
  3. Burn!


    Assholes like that are the reasons have these crazy rules. Only because some people feel entitled to cheat, I can not kick players from my own server to make room for a friend.
  4. At least 4 out of 5. What I noticed is that even people who play in groups use this exploit a lot. Saw three guys yesterday making their way through Stary from SE towards the tents NE. They ran from house to house and everytime they aggro'd a zombie, they disconnected. The thing is, two of them had good guns (AKM and DMR) and the third a decent one (M1014) so they could easily have killed the enemies. Anyway, they reached the tents and from my position on the hills I could see movement in that big building east of them, it was another player who immediately opened fire on them with his M16. They all disconnected. Since the guy fired on them for no reason, I decided to do the same to him and give him multiple bullets in the face and chest with my AK-74. He dropped unconscious (saw his leg clip through the wall) and I made my way over to him to check his stuff which was pretty stupid in retrospect. I get inside the building but his body is gone, assuming he disconnected. Just as I climb down the stairs I see the 3 dudes from before enter the building through the entry on the opposite side of the building and they gun me down within a second. I should have seen it coming but it's still pretty damn annoying that all this is even possible.
  5. What is this, neighborhood watch 2.0? Ridiculous! You either take this game way too seriously if you honestly believe doing what the OP proposed is even necessary or you are just bad at DayZ. I'm gonna hunt the shit out of you guys, even though I never killed anybody for no reason. You deserve to die in this game and every additional bandit pointing his ironsights at you is one more person fighting the good fight.