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About Sinte

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  1. I don't see anything wrong with farming a loot spawn if you aren't doing it on a locked / unpopulated server. Fuck else are you supposed to do, go there once per server reset? That is stupid. if loot reset itself withotu a server reset, then I could see people viewing this as exploiting. But it doesn't.
  2. Lol yes they do what are you smoking. I jump between vet and regular all the time.
  3. Considering the fact that it takes 6 pistol shots to equal to one hatchet shot now, yeah , they are kind of useless. The only worthwhile pistols now are m9SD for its silence and PDW for unlimited ammo (pdw mag, g17 mag, mp5 mag, mp5 sd mag)
  4. Honestly easiest way to get food and water is to kill zombies. I find a can of food or water in every pack I kill.
  5. Open up the game, go to multiplayer and hit remote. Type in this IP and don't touch the port number. ***We just had a maintenance reset, so it might not be up for a minute*** Voila, happy dayZing (Or alternatively find the ip for the server you usually play on and do the same thing)
  6. Find out the IP for the server you play on and you can remote connect, otherwise you will have to wait till the maintenance is done.
  7. Sinte

    What was your last legit kill

    We were counter-sniping snipers in elektro because we felt like it and this one guy saw my group sitting up on the hospital and stated "Sico members you have 30 seconds to get off that hospital" and started doing the count down. I was in an overwatch position. The guy keeps counting down, I finally find him in his wookie suit (ghillie), zero in, aim... Headshot him and see in chat "3...2...1 (don't want to post name) was killed". The whole server had some good laughs. Global chat is fun times.
  8. QFT. How in the hell do you miss with a full auto light machinegun at 250m... Must've loaded it with blanks.
  9. I'm sorry I will try to hashtag sarcasm for the likes of people like you next time.
  10. I agree, remove Lee Enfield. P.S I would argue that it takes more skill to stay alive with a .50 cal rifle than it does with a carbine. Simply because hit or miss your shot, everyone in the area will know where you are from sound and zombie aggro. Or the general area of where you are. This game just takes place in an eastern bloc setting, there are still military bases / reinforcements everywhere, with a lot of high tech. that I assume were sent by countries outside of Chernarus to help them out, hence the weapons. I don't think they'd sent their armies in there to fight zombies at night with torches.
  11. Sinte

    For all private servers adm

    Aside from you and your friends, no one wants to have your 500 ms ass on their server, trust me. Play in your region. Night time cycle isn't put into this game to tell you to go hop to a server on the other side of the world.
  12. And whats wrong with that, if he wants to shoot you in the face? Absolutely nothing.
  13. Wooooooooooooosh. Antarctica would be a very cool setting.
  14. Looted one in 1.7.2 but not after the recent patch.
  15. You were trying to be friendly in cherno and elektro? The #1 and #2 pvp areas in Day Z? That's probably why. I've found plenty of people who wanted to work together outside of those areas. And even some inside them. Though I suspect most of it was because I had a better gun than they did (<= talking about the guys who didn't shoot me on sight in elektro/cherno).