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Everything posted by M&M

  1. One things you guys are all overlooking is that if there really were a zombie apocalypse, it would not last very long. I think it is safe to assume that once somebody becomes a zombie, they lose all their cognitive abilities. Meaning they are pretty much brain dead aside from the fact that the can see and hear humans. Unless they are constantly getting a supply of normal people walking up to them ready to die, I am going to assume they die within a week. So really all people need to do is wait it out. I am sure that about a year after the outbreak, most of the zombies will be dead. Though this is of course not going to happen because the apocalypse portrayed in dayz will never happen. Realistically, if something were to break out in a large area, take for example New York, odds are that the area will either be completely qurantined or is simply destroyed. Governments are not going to take the risk of having an infection sweep across the country and the world.
  2. M&M

    Zombie Survival My A***

    I agree. I got into this game because i thought it would be a zombie survival sim, not a glorified deathmatch. It's a shame too, because i really enjoy the gameplay.
  3. I have put about 30 hours into this game and understand it fairly well now. I also play solo/ Back when i didn't know what i was doing, i would go up to people and try talking to them. They of course shot me on sight even though i didn't have a weapon, or anything for that matter. They just shot me because i was there. So after server hopping for a while i could see that everybody was like this. Anybody that asked for help or to team up was obviously just setting up a trap (according to everyone in game). I quickly realized that this game discourages working together. Trying to talk to somebody is a death trap. I got killed a lot by other players in Elektro and Cherno, maybe 8,7 times, so i went inland with some decent gear and an enfield. After about 20 minutes of traveling north, i see a sheep. Trying to be stealthy, i shoot it from inside a forest. I had lots of cover and i was sure no one could see me. I then waited a few minutes. Watching the field to see if i could see anyone. Once i deemed it safe, i went out to the sheep i killed. Almost immediately after i start harvesting the meat i got shot and killed. The fact that people wait hours for people to pass by, only to kill them even though they probably have no worthwhile gear, is just ridiculous. I then decided i would only play on servers with as little people as possible in an attempt to avoid the awful community. I was on a server with 2 other people. After an hour or so of running to the NW airfield, i get all stealthy. It was night and I practically crawled around the whole airfield. I had got some pretty good loot and was making one last stop at the south west barracks. I walk in, turn left, and there is a guy laying on the floor with an LMG. He literally must have been prone there for at least half an hour. And there were only two other people on the server other than me! Not that i am really angry that i get killed, but i just find the way people play this mod is insane. I fear other players way more than i do zombies. This game is definitely just a big deathmatch. Nobody cares about eachother (unless they have a pre existing relationship). I hear this mod is supposed to be as realistic as possible. If there were a real apocalypse, humanity would not turn on eachother and hunt one another while almost completely ignoring the zombies. I mean, how often do people actually shoot zombies? It's rare. People only care about killing one another which is not what would happen in real life.
  4. Yes, as i already said, i was new at the game when i was trying to be friendly with people in Elektro and Cherno. Seeing as how i get killed on the coast when i have nothing, i would never want to talk to someone inland when i might actually have some decent gear.
  5. If there were an actual apocalypse such as the one portrayed in dayz, i'm sure most people would try to kill all the zombies and save humanity. Sure there will be some looting and maybe a very little bit of murder, but the vast majority of humans will team up.
  6. I'd rather not. If i wanted to exclusively kill people just for fun then i would play a real shooter.
  7. I like this game too. I have yet to see someone who doesn't shoot on site so you must be one of the few. I was addressing the large majority of the community with my post. Obviously there are exceptions.