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Kamikaze Hacker Pilot ( Video ) replied to evansaidhi's topic in DayZ Mod Gallery
Can a mod confirm if this truck is legit? I cant find any info on it atall -
Call to the devs and server admins about the issues with open servers. replied to ztripez's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
I personally think a simple solution to this is.. kicking for space. its not nice no, but hey, at some point you have to back the people willing to nut up and spend ££ on the game... -
Establishing a Player-Run NW Airfield Depot replied to Publik's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
the downside is, as soon as one guy gets killed.. bandit or not, people would likely go into preservation mode and KOS. also. whats stopping me from now putting on yellow glasses, and grabbing a chemlight.. walking into a building with 1/2... using the m9sd to drop them. then walking out with a diff chem light... you shouldnt have given away your 'codes' to the public -
US Hardcore 2 Tent Farm Raid 116,014 replied to migeater's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
MigEater dies too often to hold onto weapons for long! :D -
Refueling a boat in water? replied to rifle313's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Source on that salty? as Ive heard it was most definately a bug. -
Friend Finder replied to AquaMonkey (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Im sorry but with 2 hours... if you both failed, thats human error. that is nobody's fault but your own. -
Top 3 Bugs you want fixed, Top 3 Features you want added replied to caddrel's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
1, helicopter fuel issue 2, tent issues 3, desync. 1, crossbow 2, crossbow 3, crossbow oh! and if you get around to it? crossbow. -
Would you be mad if they were working on a separate game instead of a mod? replied to hazychestnutz's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
well arent you just so kind. if you dont want to play the very buggy mod.. bye. -
A mechanic to prevent DayZ turning into a massive DM replied to reuter's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Stop gear drop when in water. replied to BL1P's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
as far as I know, its a bug... its not intended -
Solution to Alt+F4 cowards. replied to rusvolk's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
sod 30, it should be a minute. encouraging you to scout your surroundings before resting. just as you would irl -
If You Could Add 1 Weapon to DayZ... replied to zak757's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
for me? fixed crossbow. 4/5 bolts per 'steel bolt' and optics, even a reddot. and id be happy -
another use for sandbags if you get 4 is.. drive your car into 3. then place the 4th behind it! then your car cant be nicked.
0.19% or Why I stoped playing replied to f4cksteam's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
rofl.. complaining about droprates. rng is rng. deal with it, its a part of life. my team have had tons of DMR's and M4' etc the only thing I think we havent seen is the elusive m107 or AS50 yet. -
Any UK based groups? replied to Greenslade's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion we have a hell of a lot of Brits -
For the millionth time magazines are NOT clips! replied to DJKhaled's topic in New Player Discussion
look at me, I know lots about guns in real life hurrdy durrdy. honestly, who cares, I knew which each was, but I honestly couldnt care what others refer to them as. if somebody says I have a lee enfield mag in here... Im going to know what they mean. its just being pedantic for the sake of it to make yourself feel big. its entirely irrelevant, and in the real apocalypse, you are the guy we shoot 'accidentally' for being annoying. -
What does the female gender model look like? (mhm) replied to JuniorD's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I will be playing as a female,and have changed my name to an appropriate female sounding one. quite frankly, I think itll be interesting to see how differently I'm treated -
Whoever completely barricades buildings replied to's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
It sucks that people exploit this (if server hopping) but if holing up in a town,I see no issue with it. its creative use of game mechanics. I would hate to see changes made that would hurt the creativity based on the minority exploiting it. sandboxes are just that. furthermore.. you didnt DIE because of them. you DIED because when you couldnt get in. YOU didnt think fast enough to move elsewhere. or escape. its nobodies fault but your own. -
New Iron Sight for Crossbow replied to Stingshot22's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
for the love of GOD people. use the search. its not like its titled in cryptic text. Contribute to the growing thread = more likely to get attention from the higher ups. -
The Crossbow. replied to's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
It seems fairly overwhelming at this point, that everybody wants what is suggested at least. 1, a reflex/reddot type scope to facilitate aiming a little, it wouldnt break immersion and it would do nothing but help the use of the weapon without making it op. 2, more arrows/better more reliable return on bolts. PLEASE rocket! I beg of thee! :D -
Please see thread entitled the crossbow - I'm desperately trying to keep ALL the fans/supporters of Xbow change together, so it grabs mod attention!
Crossbow need scope. replied to ChapYurin's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Please see thread entitled - The Crossbow feedback there -
Reli, there is a BUG with crossbow bolts only being in the body if its a headshot, if its a bodyshot there will generally be no arrow. please see - for Crossbow feedback :)
The Crossbow. replied to's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
[Suggestion] Sleep replied to Augusto (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
would a better idea not just be to be able to 'camp' and put your char to sleep when you log out. and in this state his hunger/thirst do not increase. thus allowing you to come back 'rested' and full on food/water not close to death every login!