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Everything posted by thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

  1. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    My Issues with the 1.7.1 Changes

    I said to my mrs.. 'ooh, Im gonna read general, I bet there is loads of crying. annnnd here it is. the zeds actually became EASIER. they hit harder etc, but they work purely off eyeline now. so if you are ALERT and watch where the Zeds are watching, you are safe. you are also safe ni buildings now etc... for a stealthy player this was a pure buff.
  2. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk


    I have that on DayZ single player.. but never online thats like wallhax!
  3. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    can you please get the stats/K'd for iOGC
  4. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    How much would you pay?

    id want the works. limited edition with a large map! and maybe some unique bits for ingame :P whatever the mark up
  5. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    Traps to be added in a later patch - thoughts?

    when it goes off and breaks their leg, can it also fire a flare up so we know its been triggered and it also brings nearby zeds to them?! :D
  6. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    the attitudes in this thread are laughable.. 'Im sick of dying everytime i try and help somebody' 'fuck it ill kill everyone I see' good job. its a chain reaction be the change you want to see in the world. sure you might lose your shit a little more, but you also might change 1/2 minds.. and they will too.. and eventually, well, eventually youll still be massively outnumbered but hey, you wont be a dick!
  7. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    Denizens of FR7, vehicle business overplayed!

    this sounds fishy as hell. 1, picture to prove you have the above convoy of vehicles. 2, how do you plan to do the trades? as im not walking into an ambush. 3, do they come fully fueled/with jerry cans?
  8. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    20 words or less: Super-Low Humanity Detection

    YES Why not mix it with the possible no weapon thing? if you kill a surv with no weapon it goes insta to max. (cant get worse then dropping an unarmed civvie for no reason)
  9. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    Re: Spawning without a Weapon - Reality Check

    to be fair, its a pointless act. the key is survival. I say 1 bandage. 1 beans, 1 canteen. nothing more. it removes the point/purpose in killing a fresh spawn.. and it would even let some of them meet up without panic killing one another! creating oppurtunities for teamwork furthermore, its not worth a well geared player killing and drawing attention to themselves (maybe with this possible new heartbeat thing, make it raise high/fast if you kill an unarmed player.) - if you have friends who can travel down and meet you/give you things? great. thats teamwork. if you have to sneak into cherno and hunt for things? thats great too, maybe youll find some beans. and then come across a guy who has water yet needs food. and... there you have more teamwork..
  10. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    5 minute timer

    to be honest I would support a 3 min timer everytime somebody logs in. sure, its boring. but itd sure stop server hoppers logging in/out of barracks! and people relogging behind others etc. sadly, everyone would be punished due to the minority of exploiting assholes, but hell, Id deal with that happily every day knowing its screwing them over. I only log where im safe. so for me, and all the other honest players, its fine. if by chance your pc dies or w/e.. then well, bad luck. gotta take a tough line with these people
  11. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

    for those of you saying no, because it scares off new players, whilst obviously thats not the intention, it also makes it very clear from the get go, that this isnt a regular shooter. and maybe it would help shelve the 'KILL ALL THE PEOPLE' attitude. and make people play a little more like you would a survival game rather then a fps. I personally see absolutely no harm in trying it. (I would prefer a full db wipe to accompany it, but I know that might be hard to do(and I say that as a CCO/m24 user)) but this is the testing stage. this is why we are here. use us to test the game we can say yes/no till the cows come home, but until it happens..we will never know, think about the time you accidentally added more zeds! :P you thought.. shit lets try it. and now.. could you imagine going back? some things you just have to TRY.. and I th ink this is one of them.,
  12. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

    YES (ive already replied tho. ) I think the best way to do it is simple.. TRY it. just like the upped zed count. if its shit.. you simply patch it out. no harm no foul. this is an ALPHA. as you say !:)
  13. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    Why is the life expectancy going up?

    maybe next.. people will learn that co operation > killing randomly for no reason!
  14. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

    YES but only if it comes with a global reset to start on a level playing field (tents included.) SPARE WORDS.
  15. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    HELP! :(

    I dont mean to be sarcastic or rude, but, use another mirror then?
  16. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    Character wipe for new patch?

    Unless they are going full wipe (i.e tents and everything on every server) its fairly pointless. before the patch comes.. players will just load their shit into tents. and then respawn.. and run straight to it.
  17. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    Do we really need helicopters?

    no, we dont, but what is a bigger sign of prowess then a helo?! I agree, they arent needed, but im damn glad they are, as once you get mil grade weapons and have a garage of cars.. what else is there?
  18. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    how many girls play dayz?

    my wife watches me play, her pc isnt good enough to play it sadly. i dont see why it matters :P
  19. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    From the bandit campfire

    Oh Zilchy, you so crazy. enjoy knowing that the second you get nvg's your own teammates will cap you for them.
  20. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    CZ550 vs. DMR vs. M24 vs. M107

    Personally, I use the m24 for overwatch duties. Ive never had the chance to use the m107. but whilst I enjoy the DMR, i just prefer bolt rifles
  21. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    Go ahead and call me a carebear.

  22. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    does that mean we will see the new Xbow in this patch?! :D
  23. the sad thing is, the guy raises good points, and he is just being branded a crybaby.. ill not be stopping, but it is frustrating when anyone who sees you will now shoot first, as opposed to before when a % would try and befriend you! now its kill or be killed.. when it doesnt have to be.
  24. thomas.bowyer@hotmail.co.uk

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    how are we standing on bugs? 1, helicopters not refueling 2, outfits spawning you in the sea are both of these going to be addressed?