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Everything posted by ChangoZero

  1. ChangoZero

    Overwatch CSPD Recruitment

    1. How old are you? 16 2. How long have you been playing DayZ? 2 years 3. What part of North America do you live in? Illinois 4. Have you ever hacked in DayZ? No 5. Do you livestream on twitch.tv? Yes... Not Arma though 6. What is your skype name? tamedheart3 7. Are you really cool? Sure, i guess i am
  2. ChangoZero

    Elektro's Finest [EF] (Recruiting)

    Come join our website!! http://elektrosfinest.enjin.com/home
  3. I hate playing by myself.. Just wondering if anyone wants to team up! I'm 16, and I'm willing to play and DayZ Mod available. :D
  4. ChangoZero

    Experienced DayZ player LF new home

    Teamspeak3: (poke a head admin saying you are wanting to join)
  5. ChangoZero

    Looking for a Clan/Group in UK

    Teamspeak3: (poke a head admin saying you are wanting to join)
  6. ChangoZero

    L00king for a Clan/group

    Teamspeak3: (poke a head admin saying you are wanting to join)
  7. ChangoZero

    Elektro's Finest [EF] (Recruiting)

    Come on join :D
  8. ChangoZero

    Experienced player lfg

    Teamspeak3 Info: We are currently a small group like most people we play orgins and we also use a ranking structure based on performance and activity. Check out our forum post to know more: http://dayzmod.com/f...-ef-recruiting/ We are neutral. Come join!
  9. ChangoZero

    Elektro's Finest [EF] (Recruiting)

    Disregard that last post! We are Still Alive!!
  10. ChangoZero


    Hey man! We play DayZ: Origins, maybe you'll be interested in that!! Elektro's Finest << Thats our Ts3 Come join!
  11. ChangoZero

    Looking for us clan/group

    Hey Merek Come join our TS3 and our group! :PP Elektro's Finest
  12. ChangoZero

    Elektro's Finest [EF] (Recruiting)

    It's a great clan! We need friendly people!!
  13. Age: 15 Experience: I've played since July, but stopped for a bit. Starting to get back in the game now. What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Scout Bio: I'm a laid-back person. I'll take any orders someone gives me. As long as I can shoot someone i'm cool. Why would you like to join: I need a organized team, I need people that won't be idiots while finding stuff.
  14. ChangoZero

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hi, umm i don't know if you guys do anything anymore, but i broke my legs far up north; and i didn't bring morphine. So if anyone wants to help please message me with maybe a skype name?
  15. Hai, my name is Zero, and I bought ARMA: II Combined Ops yesterday, and I don't have much friends that play it. I would like to stat fresh to get the most out of the experience. I am 15, and mature, willing to take anyone but would like to keep it over 13. Please Fill this out! Name: IGN: Age: Skill??: Your Awesomeness 1-12.5: Thanks!! Zero-