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Everything posted by johis69

  1. johis69

    100 hour review of DayZ

    Excellent and educated review. I have only seen one tractor during maybe 25-40h of gameplay and it was obviously a trap. I definately agree about the vehicles, although I tend to be a bit "the chase is better than the catch" type of guy, so I don't mind running for hours that much. I will probably get bored doing it though..
  2. johis69

    civil discussion about PVP

    I just wrote pretty much the same thing elsewhere but here goes. I don't kill anyone unless they shoot me. And even then I usually fail miserably trying to defend myself. I recently gathered quite a good gear and ended up dying in Novy Sobor. I felt relieved. I was back on the beach and actually enjoyed the game again for many days. I tried to approach a few players and got killed. I didn't have a gun or hatchet, I was just scavenging. But I felt this was more fun than being paranoid and afraid of losing "everything". I hope one of these days I'll meet another player who doesn't shoot me and maybe have a small adventure with him/her. If the endgame is supposed to be player interaction in the form of PvP, I would gladly stay on the beach and try to find people who would rather PvE with me. Because that's how I roll :)
  3. Avoid contact and leave if possible. Even though it doesn't seem to work very well, I will not be the guy that shoots first. I don't actually care much about the high tier loot or such. I'm quite happy with a water bottle, hatchet and matches. Best part of this game is right there on the beach with nothing to lose. I don't see any point spending hours and hours to get supr 1337 sniper lulz gear and eventually die anyway feeling terrible for losing it. I also don't really care if you kill me because I'll be back on dat beach trying to find other players who don't KOS :)
  4. I was playing around with the idea of somehow forcing people to realize that the polygon they just shot was actually a person with a story. That person went places and did stuff. It's all too easy to overlook the fact that most of the people running around in north have had quite an adventure getting there: Close calls with Z's, desperately scavenging for food and drink, joy of finding at least some kind of weapon to defend themselves, finally stumbling upon a morphine shot after crawling for miles with broken leg.. So definately +1 for the journal idea. But I guess it would have to be at least roughly automatic as I cannot really see that many occasions to write anything down by myself. Would probably do so if it was possible though.